No Country for Old Men
《No Country for Old Men》|总人气: 146| 总推荐: 2| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
,Acknowledgments。_生the author would like to express his appreciation to the santa fe institute for his long association and his four-year residence. he would also like to thank amanda urban...No Country for Old MenI小说i sent one boy to the gaschamber at huntsville. one and only one. my arrest and my testimony. i went up there and visited with him two or three times. three times. the last time was the day of his execution. i didnt have to go but i did. i sure didnt want to.hed killed a fourteen year old girl and i can tell you right now i never did have no great desire to visit with him let alone go to his execution but i done it. the pa你可能喜欢
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