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Synge And The Ireland Of His Time

Synge And The Ireland Of His Time

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《Synge And The Ireland Of His Time》|总人气: 140| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     ,PREFACE,小,说,网at times during synges last illness, lady gregory and i would speak of his work and always find some pleasure in the thought that unlike ourselves, who had made our experiments in public, he would leave to the world nothing to be wished away??nothing that was not beautiful or powerful in itself, or necessary as an expression of his life and thought. when he died we were in much anxiety, for a letter written before his last illness, and printed in the selection of his poems published at the cuala press, had shown that he was anxious about the fate of his manuscripts and scattered writings. on the evening of the night he died h

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