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The Thirteenth Tale

The Thirteenth Tale

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《The Thirteenth Tale》|总人气: 179| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     ,THE LETTER,小,说,网it was november. although it was not yet late, the sky was dark when i turned into laundress passage. father had finished for the day, switched off the shop lights and closed the shutters; but so i would not e home to darkness he had left on the light over the stairs to the flat. through the glass in the door it cast a foolscap rectangle of paleness onto the wet pavement, and it was while i was standing in that rectangle, about to turn my key in the door, that i first saw the letter. another white rectangle, it was on the fifth step from the bottom, where i couldn’t miss it.i closed the door and put the shop key in its usu

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