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Paradise Lost Ⅹ

Paradise Lost Ⅹ

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《Paradise Lost Ⅹ》|总人气: 140| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     ,THE ARGUMENTmans transgression known, the guardian angels forsake paradise, and return up to heaven to approve thir vigilance, and are approvd, god declaring that the entrance of satan could not be by them prevented. he sends his son to judge the transgressors, who descends and gives sentence accordingly; then in pity cloaths them both, and reascends. sin and death sitting till then at the gates of hell, by wondrous sympathie feeling the success of satan in this new world, and the sin by man there mitted, resolve to sit no longer confind in hell, but to follow satan thir sire up to the place of man: to make the way easier from hell to thi

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