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Paradise Lost Ⅷ

Paradise Lost Ⅷ

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《Paradise Lost Ⅷ》|总人气: 162| 总推荐: 1| 总收藏: 0| 简介:

     ,THE ARGUMENT.adam inquires concerning celestial motions, is doubtfully answerd, and exhorted to search rather things more worthy of knowledg: adam assents, and still desirous to detain raphael, relates to him what he rememberd since his own creation, his placing in paradise, his talk with god concerning solitude and fit society, his first meeting and nuptials with eve, his discourse with the angel thereupon; who after admonitions repeated departs.??Paradise Lost Ⅷ1小说the angel ended, and in adams eareso charming left his voice, that he a whilethought him still speaking, still stood fixt to hear;...

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