《加勒比海之谜(英文版)》|总人气: 69| 总推荐: 0| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
┏┓╭⌒╮¤`╭╭ ⌒╮ ●╭○╮ ╰ ╯/█∨█ ~~~~~~~~~~∏~~∏~~~~~~~~~~~//.. .【此间青回】整理附:【】!┗┛Chapter 1MAJOR PALGRAVE TELLS A STORY"Take all this business about Kenya," said Major Palgrave. "Lots of chaps gabbing away who know nothing about the place! Now I spent fourteen years of my life there. Some of the best years of my life, too."Old Miss Marple inclined her head. It was a gentle gesture of courtesy. Whilst Major Palgrave proceeded with the somewhat uninteresting recollections of a lifetime, Miss Marple peacefully pursued her own thoughts. It was a routine with which she was well acquainted. The locale varied. In the past, it had been predominantly India你可能喜欢
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- 01-01天涯之谜
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- 01-01报社之谜
- 01-01藏海花ⅰ雪山阎王骑尸
- 01-01地宫之谜
- 01-01红樱桃之谜