The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)
《The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)》|总人气: 10| 总推荐: 2| 总收藏: 0| 简介:
《The Eisenhorn Trilogy:Xenos(科幻战争)》作者: [英]Dan Abnett【完结】Synopsis (英文书籍文案)Malleus takes place nearly 100 years after the first book Xenos. The novel is plotted and executed in the fashion of Xenos and works just as well. The plot of Malleus deals more with the machinations of rival inquisitors and shows the reader why the inquisition is so feared.After a century of hard fighting, the Ophidian sub-sector has been reclaimed for the God-Emperor. A mighty triumph is held on Thracian Primaris to celebrate the victory, but the day is blighted by a tragedy so vast in scale it shocks even the battle-weary Imperium. Inquisitor Gregor Eisenhorn investi开始阅读《The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)》
The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)目录列表
The Eisenhorn TrilogyXenos(科幻战争)纯手打电子书下载
- 01-01熊猫巨星路[综]
- 01-01桃花错
- 01-01〔二四〕变质
- 01-01拓海是个万人迷
- 01-01一护"妹妹"的综漫之旅
- 01-01花满楼之花色恋
- 01-01无限恐怖之低调土匪
- 01-01钱鬼的hp人生
- 01-01众神的恶作剧之蝴蝶兰
- 01-01hp同人之暮色尘埃
- 01-01高达SEED之异类
- 01-01比veela更veela
- 01-01to be alive is disgu
- 01-01卖女孩的小火柴 yth
- 01-01吻别风中爱 love is y
- 01-01my foolish lover
- 01-01阿杏1 shisanchun
- 01-01Paradise Lost Ⅷ
- 01-01Paradise Lost Ⅴ
- 01-01Paradise Lost Ⅹ
- 01-01The Secret Rose
- 01-01Paradise Lost Ⅰ
- 01-01Kiss of The Spider W
- 01-01The Lion, the Witch
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