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Four Yearstxt下载

  • txt类型:文学经管
  • txt大小:116K
  • 上传者:古诗乐
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Four Yearstxt下载更新时间:2019-05-20

《Four Years》txt下载简介:

,Four YearsI!小$说^网&four years 1887?1891.at the end of the eighties my father and mother, my brother and sisters and myself, all newly arrived from dublin, were settled in bedford park in a red?brick house with several wood mantlepieces copied from marble mantlepieces by the brothers adam, a balcony, and a little garden shadowed by a great horse?chestnut tree. years before we had lived there, when the crooked, ostentatiously picturesque streets, with great trees casting great shadows, had been anew enthusiasm: the pre?raphaelite movement at last affecting life. but now exaggerated criticism had taken the place of enthusiasm; the tiled roofs


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