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The Last Battletxt下载

  • txt类型:文学经管
  • txt大小:228K
  • 上传者:雨霖铃
  • 今日点击:156
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  • 今日推荐:1
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The Last Battletxt下载更新时间:2019-05-05

《The Last Battle》txt下载简介:

,CHAPTER ONE小!说by caldron pool in the last days of narnia, far up to the west beyond lantern waste and close beside the great waterfall, there lived an ape. he was so old that no one could remember when he had first e to live in those parts, and he was the cleverest, ugliest, most wrinkled ape you can imagine. he had a little house, built of wood and thatched with leaves, up in the fork of a great tree, and his name was shift. there were very few talking beasts or men or dwarfs, or people of any sort, in that part of the wood, but shift had one friend and neighbour who was a donkey called puzzle. at least they both said they were


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