


时尚英语-美式生活- 第12部分

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urt case。 Moreover; blacks and whites are not the only racial groups struggling to get along。 Multicultural America has numerous minority groups that argue for equal treatment。 Some contend that current immigration laws unfairly discriminate against certain racial groups。 

  虽然民权运动带来进步; 但是种族问题仍然存在。 法律已经改变了; 但是有些人……各种肤色的人……仍然保有歧视的态度。 紧张情形有时会引发暴力。 一九九二年的洛杉矶动乃是因一件因种族问题而起诉法院判决而引发的。 此外; 黑人和白人并不是为和平相处而挣扎的唯一种族团体。 多元文化的美国拥有无数为平等待遇而争论的少数团体。 有些人争论现行的移民法不公平地歧视某些种族团体。 

  Even so; in the past 40 years; race relations in America have greatly improved。 Minority groups now have equal opportunities in many areas of education; employment and housing。 Interracial marriages are being more accepted。 Children of different races…and their parents…are learning to play together and work together。 Maybe Dr。 King's dream will e true after all。 

  即使如此; 在过去四十年间; 美国种族之间的关系已经大有进步。 少数团体现在在教育; 就业及住屋许多方面已有公平的机会。 异族的通婚已越来越被接受。 不同种族的小孩以及他们的父母亲; 也在学习与其它种族一起游戏和一起工作; 或许金恩博士的梦终会实现。 
' 关 闭 本 页 '

? Spotlight on Munich 聚焦慕尼黑(图) 
? 英国人的两种不同的休闲方式(图) 
? British Pub…goer's Manner 英国酒客的举止(图) 
? British Pub Etiquette 英国酒吧的礼仪(图) 
? British Pub Culture 英国的酒吧文化(图) 
? Spotlight on Copenhagen 哥本哈根特写(图) 
? 教堂与广场(图) 
? 剧院与音乐(图) 
? 世界各地婚俗(三)(图) 
? 美味的馅饼和细面条(图) 
? 意大利:美丽神奇之国(图) 
? 神秘的威尼斯(图) 


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 时尚英语 》》 英语点滴 》》 正文

Raising Children 美式教养观
 |  | 6月19日

  The job of raising children is a tough one。 Children don't e with an instruction manual。 And each child is different。 So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration; not knowing what to do。 But in raising children…as in all of life…what we do is influenced by our culture。 Naturally then; American parents teach their children basic American values。 


  To Americans; the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet。 From infancy; each child may get his or her own room。 As children grow; they gain more freedom to make their own choices。 Teenagers choose their own forms of entertainment; as well as the friends to share them with。 When they reach young adulthood; they choose their own careers and marriage partners。 Of course; many young adults still seek their parents' advice and approval for the choices they make。 But once they 〃leave the nest〃 at around 18 to 21 years old; they want to be on their own; not 〃tied to their mother's apron strings。〃 


  The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal。 American parents try to treat their children as individuals…not as extensions of themselves。 They allow them to fulfill their own dreams。 Americans praise and encourage their children to give them the confidence to succeed。 When children bee adults; their relationship with their parents bees more like a friendship among equals。 But contrary to popular belief; most adult Americans don't make their parents pay for room and board when they e to visit。 Even as adults; they respect and honor their parents。 


  Most young couples with children struggle with the issue of childcare。 Mothers have traditionally stayed home with their children。 In recent years; though; a growing trend is to put preschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work。 Many Americans have strong feelings about which type of arrangement is best。 Some argue that attending a day care center can be a positive experience for children。 Others insist that mothers are the best caregivers for children。 A number of women are now leaving the work force to bee full…time homemakers。 


  Disciplining children is another area that American parents have differing opinions about。 Many parents feel that an old…fashioned spanking helps youngsters learn what 〃No!〃 means。 Others prefer alternate forms of discipline。 For example; 〃time outs〃 have bee popular in recent years。 Children in 〃time out〃 have to sit in a corner or by a wall。 They can get up only when they are ready to act nicely。 Older children and teenagers who break the rules may be grounded; or not allowed to go out with friends。 Some of their privileges at home…like TV or telephone use…may also be taken away for a while。 Although discipline isn't fun for parents or children; it's a necessary part of training。 


  Being a parent is a tall order。 It takes patience; love; wisdom; courage and a good sense of humor to raise children (and not lose your sanity)。 Some people are just deciding not to have children at all; since they're not sure it's worth it。 But raising children means training the next generation and preserving our culture。 What could be worth more than that? 

' 关 闭 本 页 '

? Spotlight on Munich 聚焦慕尼黑(图) 
? 英国人的两种不同的休闲方式(图) 
? British Pub…goer's Manner 英国酒客的举止(图) 
? British Pub Etiquette 英国酒吧的礼仪(图) 
? British Pub Culture 英国的酒吧文化(图) 
? Spotlight on Copenhagen 哥本哈根特写(图) 
? 教堂与广场(图) 
? 剧院与音乐(图) 
? 世界各地婚俗(三)(图) 
? 美味的馅饼和细面条(图) 
? 意大利:美丽神奇之国(图) 
? 神秘的威尼斯(图) 


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