《Paradise Lost Ⅺ》



Paradise Lost Ⅺ- 第4部分

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labouring; two massie clods of iron and brass ' 565 '

had melted (whether found where casual fire

had wasted woods on mountain or in vale;

down to the veins of earth; thence gliding hot

to som caves mouth; or whether washt by stream

from underground) the liquid ore he dreind ' 570 '

into fit moulds prepard; from which he formd

first his own tooles; then; what might else be wrought

fusil or gravn in mettle。 after these;

but on the hether side a different sort

from the high neighbouring hills; which was thir seat; ' 575 '

down to the plain descended: by thir guise

just men they seemd; and all thir study bent

to worship god aright; and know his works

not hid; nor those things last which might preserve

freedom and peace to men: they on the plain ' 580 '

long had not walkt; when from the tents behold

a beavie of fair women; richly gay

in gems and wanton dress; to the harp they sung

soft amorous ditties; and in dance came on:

the men though grave; eyd them; and let thir eyes ' 585 '

rove without rein; till in the amorous net

fast caught; they likd; and each his liking chose;

and now of love they treat till theevning star

loves harbinger appeerd; then all in heat

they light the nuptial torch; and bid invoke ' 590 '

hymen; then first to marriage rites invokt;

with feast and musick all the tents resound。


Paradise Lost Ⅺ14

such happy interview and fair event

of love and youth not lost; songs; garlands; flours;

and charming symphonies attachd the heart ' 595 '

of adam; soon enclind to admit delight;

the bent of nature; which he thus expressd。

true opener of mine eyes; prime angel blest;

much better seems this vision; and more hope

of peaceful dayes portends; then those two past; ' 600 '

those were of hate and death; or pain much worse;

here nature seems fulfilld in all her ends。

to whom thus michael。 judg not what is best

by pleasure; though to nature seeming meet;

created; as thou art; to nobler end ' 605 '

holie and pure; conformitie divine。

those tents thou sawst so pleasant; were the tents

of wickedness; wherein shall dwell his race

who slew his brother; studious they appere

of arts that polish life; inventers rare; ' 610 '

unmindful of thir maker; though his spirit

taught them; but they his gifts acknowledgd none。

yet they a beauteous ofspring shall beget;

for that fair femal troop thou sawst; that seemd

of goddesses; so blithe; so smooth; so gay; ' 615 '

yet empty of all good wherein consists

womans domestic honour and chief praise;

bred onely and pleted to the taste

of lustful appetence; to sing; to dance;

to dress; and troule the tongue; and roule the eye。 ' 620 '

to these that sober race of men; whose lives

religious titld them the sons of god;

shall yield up all thir vertue; all thir fame

ignobly; to the traines and to the smiles

of these fair atheists; and now swim in joy; ' 625 '

(erelong to swim at large) and laugh; for which

the world erelong a world of tears must weepe。

to whom thus adam of short joy bereft。

o pittie and shame; that they who to live well

enterd so faire; should turn aside to tread ' 630 '

paths indirect; or in the mid way faint!


Paradise Lost Ⅺ16

adam was all in tears; and to his guide

lamenting turnd full sad; o what are these; ' 675 '

deaths ministers; not men; who thus deal death

inhumanly to men; and multiply

ten thousandfould the sin of him who slew

his brother; for of whom such massacher

make they but of thir brethren; men of men? ' 680 '

but who was that just man; whom had not heavn

rescud; had in his righteousness bin lost?

to whom thus michael。 these are the product

of those ill mated marriages thou sawst:

where good with bad were matcht; who of themselves ' 685 '

abhor to joyn; and by imprudence mixt;

produce prodigious births of bodie or mind。

such were these giants; men of high renown;

for in those dayes might onely shall be admird;

and valour and heroic vertu calld; ' 690 '

to overe in battle; and subdue

nations; and bring home spoils with infinite

man…slaughter; shall be held the highest pitch

of human glorie; and for glorie done

of triumph; to be styld great conquerours; ' 695 '

patrons of mankind; gods; and sons of gods;

destroyers rightlier calld and plagues of men。

thus fame shall be atchievd; renown on earth;

and what most merits fame in silence hid。

but hee the seventh from thee; whom thou beheldst ' 700 '

the onely righteous in a world perverse;

and therefore hated; therefore so beset

with foes for daring single to be just;

and utter odious truth; that god would e

to judge them with his saints: him the most high ' 705 '

rapt in a balmie cloud with winged steeds

did; as thou sawst; receave; to walk with god

high in salvation and the climes of bliss;

exempt from death; to shew thee what reward

awaits the good; the rest what punishment? ' 710 '

which now direct thine eyes and soon behold。

Paradise Lost Ⅺ17

he lookd; and saw the face of things quite changd;

the brazen throat of warr had ceast to roar;

all now was turnd to jollitie and game;

to luxurie and riot; feast and dance; ' 715 '

marrying or prostituting; as befell;

rape or adulterie; where passing faire

allurd them; thence from cups to civil broiles。

at length a reverend sire among them came;

and of thir doings great dislike declard; ' 720 '

and testifid against thir wayes; hee oft

frequented thir assemblies; whereso met;

triumphs or festivals; and to them preachd

conversion and repentance; as to souls

in prison under judgments imminent: ' 725 '

but all in vain: which when he saw; he ceasd

contending; and removd his tents farr off;

then from the mountain hewing timber tall;

began to build a vessel of huge bulk;

measurd by cubit; length; and breadth; and highth; ' 730 '

smeard round with pitch; and in the side a dore

contrivd; and of provisions laid in large

for man and beast: when loe a wonder strange!

of every beast; and bird; and insect small

came seavens; and pairs; and enterd in; as taught ' 735 '

thir order; last the sire; and his three sons

with thir four wives; and god made fast the dore。

meanwhile the southwind rose; and with black wings

wide hovering; all the clouds together drove

from under heavn; the hills to their supplie ' 740 '

vapour; and exhalation dusk and moist;

sent up amain; and now the thicknd skie

like a dark ceeling stood; down rushd the rain

impetuous; and continud till the earth

no more was seen; the floating vessel swum ' 745 '

uplifted; and secure with beaked prow

rode tilting ore the waves; all dwellings else

flood overwhelmd; and them with all thir pomp

deep under water rould; sea coverd sea;

sea without shoar; and in thir palaces ' 750 '

where luxurie late reignd; sea…monsters whelpd

and stabld; of mankind; so numerous late;

all left; in one small bottom swum imbarkt。


Paradise Lost Ⅺ18

how didst thou grieve then; adam; to behold

the end of all thy ofspring; end so sad; ' 755 '

depopulation; thee another floud;

of tears and sorrow a floud thee also drownd;

and sunk thee as thy sons; till gently reard

by th angel; on thy feet thou stoodst at last;

though fortless; as when a father mourns ' 760 '

his children; all in view destroyd at once;

and scarce to th angel utterdst thus thy plaint。

o visions ill foreseen! better had i

livd ignorant of future; so had borne

my part of evil onely; each dayes lot ' 765 '

anough to bear; those now; that were dispenst

the burdn of many ages; on me light

at once; by my foreknowledge gaining birth

abortive; to torment me ere thir being;

with thought that they must be。 let no man seek ' 770 '

henceforth to be foretold what shall befall

him or his childern; evil he may be sure;

which neither his foreknowing can prevent;

and hee the future evil shall no less

in apprehension then in substance feel ' 775 '

grievous to bear: but that care now is past;

man is not whom to warne: those few escapt

famin and anguish will at last consume

wandring that watrie desert: i had hope

when violence was ceast; and warr on earth; ' 780 '

all would have then gon well; peace would have crownd

with length of happy dayes the race of man;

but i was farr deceavd; for now i see

peace to corrupt no less then warr to waste。

how es it thus? unfould; celestial guide; ' 785 '

and whether here the race of man will end。

to whom thus michael。 those whom last thou sawst

in triumph and luxurious wealth; are they

first seen in acts of prowess eminent

and great exploits; but of true vertu void; ' 790 '

who having spilt much blood; and don much waste

subduing nations; and achievd thereby

fame in the world; high titles; and rich prey;

shall change thir course to pleasure; ease; and sloth;

surfet; and lust; till wantonness and pride ' 795 '

raise out of friendship host
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