to darkness; such as bound the ocean wave。
satan from hence now on the lower stair ' 540 '
that scald by steps of gold to heavn gate
looks down with wonder at the sudden view
of all this world at once。 as when a scout
through dark and desart wayes with peril gone
all night; at last by break of chearful dawne ' 545 '
obtains the brow of some high…climbing hill;
which to his eye discovers unaware
the goodly prospect of some forein land
first…seen; or some renownd metropolis
with glistering spires and pinnacles adornd; ' 550 '
which now the rising sun guilds with his beams。
such wonder seisd; though after heaven seen;
the spirit maligne; but much more envy seisd
at sight of all this world beheld so faire。
Paradise Lost Ⅲ13
round he surveys; and well might; where he stood ' 555 '
so high above the circling canopie
of nights extended shade; from eastern point
of libra to the fleecie starr that bears
andromeda farr off atlantic seas
beyond th horizon; then from pole to pole ' 560 '
he views in bredth; and without longer pause
down right into the worlds first region throws
his flight precipitant; and windes with ease
through the pure marble air his oblique way
amongst innumerable starrs; that shon ' 565 '
stars distant; but nigh hand seemd other worlds;
or other worlds they seemd; or happy iles;
like those hesperian gardens famd of old;
fortunate fields; and groves and flourie vales;
thrice happy iles; but who dwelt happy there ' 570 '
he stayd not to enquire: above them all
the golden sun in splendor likest heaven
allurd his eye: thither his course he bends
through the calm firmament; but up or downe
by center; or eccentric; hard to tell; ' 575 '
or longitude; where the great luminarie
alooff the vulgar constellations thick;
that from his lordly eye keep distance due;
dispenses light from farr; they as they move
thir starry dance in numbers that pute ' 580 '
days; months; & years; towards his all…chearing lamp
turn swift thir various motions; or are turnd
by his magnetic beam; that gently warms
the univers; and to each inward part
with gentle penetration; though unseen; ' 585 '
shoots invisible vertue even to the deep:
so wondrously was set his station bright。
there lands the fiend; a spot like which perhaps
astronomer in the suns lucent orbe
through his glazd optic tube yet never saw。 ' 590 '
the place he found beyond expression bright;
pard with aught on earth; medal or stone;
not all parts like; but all alike informd
with radiant light; as glowing iron with fire;
if mettal; part seemd gold; part silver cleer; ' 595 '
if stone; carbuncle most or chrysolite;
rubie or topaz; to the twelve that shon
in aarons brest…plate; and a stone besides
imagind rather oft then elsewhere seen;
that stone; or like to that which here below ' 600 '
philosophers in vain so long have sought;
in vain; though by thir powerful art they binde
volatil hermes; and call up unbound
in various shapes old proteus from the sea;
draind through a limbec to his native forme。 ' 605 '
。d 。
Paradise Lost Ⅲ14
what wonder then if fields and region here
breathe forth elixir pure; and rivers run
potable gold; when with one vertuous touch
th arch…chimic sun so farr from us remote
produces with terrestrial humor mixt ' 610 '
here in the dark so many precious things
of colour glorious and effect so rare?
here matter new to gaze the devil met
undazld; farr and wide his eye mands;
for sight no obstacle found here; nor shade; ' 615 '
but all sun…shine; as when his beams at noon
culminate from th ?quator; as they now
shot upward still direct; whence no way round
shadow from body opaque can fall; and the aire;
no where so cleer; sharpnd his visual ray ' 620 '
to objects distant farr; whereby he soon
saw within kenn a glorious angel stand;
the same whom john saw also in the sun:
his back was turnd; but not his brightness hid;
of beaming sunnie raies; a golden tiar ' 625 '
circld his head; nor less his locks behind
illustrious on his shoulders fledge with wings
lay waving round; on som great charge imployd
he seemd; or fixt in cogitation deep。
glad was the spirit impure as now in hope ' 630 '
to find who might direct his wandring flight
to paradise the happie seat of man;
his journies end and our beginning woe。
but first he casts to change his proper shape;
which else might work him danger or delay: ' 635 '
and now a stripling cherube he appeers;
not of the prime; yet such as in his face
youth smild celestial; and to every limb
sutable grace diffusd; so well he feignd;
under a coronet his flowing haire ' 640 '
in curles on either cheek plaid; wings he wore
of many a colourd plume sprinkld with gold;
his habit fit for speed succinct; and held
before his decent steps a silver wand。
Paradise Lost Ⅲ15
he drew not nigh unheard; the angel bright; ' 645 '
ere he drew nigh; his radiant visage turnd;
admonisht by his ear; and strait was known
th arch…angel uriel; one of the seavn
who in gods presence; neerest to his throne
stand ready at mand; and are his eyes ' 650 '
that run through all the heavns; or down to th earth
bear his swift errands over moist and dry;
ore sea and land; him satan thus accostes;
uriel; for thou of those seavn spirits that stand
in sight of gods high throne; gloriously bright; ' 655 '
the first art wont his great authentic will
interpreter through highest heavn to bring;
where all his sons thy embassie attend;
and here art likeliest by supream decree
like honor to obtain; and as his eye ' 660 '
to visit oft this new creation round;
unspeakable desire to see; and know
all these his wondrous works; but chiefly man;
his chief delight and favour; him for whom
all these his works so wondrous he ordaind; ' 665 '
hath brought me from the quires of cherubim
alone thus wandring。 brightest seraph tell
in which of all these shining orbes hath man
his fixed seat; or fixed seat hath none;
but all these shining orbes his choice to dwell; ' 670 '
that i may find him; and with secret gaze;
or open admiration him behold
on whom the great creator hath bestowd
worlds; and on whom hath all these graces powrd;
that both in him and all things; as is meet; ' 675 '
the universal maker we may praise;
who justly hath drivn out his rebell foes
to deepest hell; and to repair that loss
created this new happie race of men
to serve him better: wise are all his wayes。 ' 680 '
so spake the false dissembler unperceivd;
for neither man nor angel can discern
hypocrisie; the onely evil that walks
invisible; except to god alone;
by his permissive will; through heavn and earth: ' 685 '
and oft though wisdom wake; suspicion sleeps
at wisdoms gate; and to simplicitie
resigns her charge; while goodness thinks no ill
where no ill seems: which now for once beguild
uriel; though regent of the sun; and held ' 690 '
the sharpest sighted spirit of all in heavn;
who to the fraudulent impostor foule
in his uprightness answer thus returnd。
Paradise Lost Ⅲ16
faire angel; thy desire which tends to know
the works of god; thereby to glorifie ' 695 '
the great work…maister; leads to no excess
that reaches blame; but rather merits praise
the more it seems excess; that led thee hither
from thy empyreal mansion thus alone;
to witness with thine eyes what some perhaps ' 700 '
contented with report hear onely in heavn:
for wonderful indeed are all his works;
pleasant to know; and worthiest to be all
had in remembrance alwayes with delight;
but what created mind can prehend ' 705 '
thir number; or the wisdom infinite
that brought them forth; but hid thir causes deep。
i saw when at his word the formless mass;
this worlds material mould; came to a heap:
confusion heard his voice; and wilde uproar ' 710 '
stood ruld; stood vast infinitude confind;
till at his second bidding darkness fled;
light shon; and order from disorder sprung:
swift to thir several quarters hasted then
the cumbrous elements; earth; flood; aire; fire; ' 715 '
and this ethereal quintessence of heavn
flew upward; spirited with various forms;
that rowld orbicular; and turnd to starrs
numberless; as thou seest; and how they move;
each had his place appointed; each his course; ' 720 '
the rest in circuit walles this universe。
look downward on that globe whose hither side
with light from hence; though but reflected; shines;
that place is earth the seat of man; that light
his day; which else as th other hemisphere ' 725 '
night would invade; but there the neighbouring moon
(so call that opposite fair starr) her aide
timely interposes; and her monthly round
still ending; still renewing through mid heavn;
with borrowd light her countenance triform ' 730 '
hence fills and empties to enlighten th earth;
and in her pal
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