


莎乐美- 第10部分

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be as friends。 bethink thee 。 。 。 ah! what would i say? what wast? ah! i remember it! 。 。 。 salome; …… nay but e nearer to me; i fear thou wilt not hear my words; …… salome; thou knowest my white peacocks; my beautiful white peacocks; that walk in the garden between the myrtles and the tall cypress…trees。 their beaks are gilded with gold and the grains that they eat are smeared with gold; and their feet are stained with purple。 when they cry out the rain es; and the moon shows herself in the heavens when they spread their tails。 two by two they walk between the cypress…trees and the black 


myrtles; and each has a slave to tend it。 sometimes they fly across the trees; and anon they couch in the grass; and round the pools of the water。 there are not in all the world birds so wonderful。 i know that c?sar himself has no birds so fair as my birds。 i will give thee fifty of my peacocks。 they will follow thee whithersoever thou goest; and in the midst of them thou wilt be like unto the moon in the midst of a great white cloud 。 。 。 。 i will give them to thee; all。 i have but a hundred; and in the whole world there is no king who has peacocks like unto my peacocks。 but i will give them all to thee。 only thou must loose me from my oath; and must not ask of me that which thy lips have asked of me。

'he empties the cup of wine。'


give me the head of iokanaan!


well said; my daughter! as for you; you are ridiculous with your peacocks。


peace! you are always crying out。 you cry out like a beast of prey。 you must not cry in such fashion。 your voice wearies me。 peace; i tell you! 。 。 。 salome; think on what thou art doing。 it may be that this man es from god。 he is a holy man。 the finger of god has touched him。 god 


has put terrible words into his mouth。 in the palace; as in the desert; god is ever with him 。 。 。 。 it may be that he is; at least。 one cannot tell; but it is possible that god is with him and for him。 if he die also; peradventure some evil may befall me。 verily; he has said that evil will befall some one on the day whereon he dies。 on whom should it fall if it fall not on me? remember; i slipped in blood when i came hither。 also did i not hear a beating of wings in the air; a beating of vast wings? these are ill omens。 and there were other things。 i am sure that there were other things; though i saw them not。 thou wouldst not that some evil should befall me; salome? listen to me again。


give me the head of iokanaan!














ah! thou art not listening to me。 be calm。 as for me; am i not calm? i am altogether calm。 listen。 i have jewels hidden in this place …… jewels that thy mother even has never seen; jewels that are marvellous to look at。 i have a collar of pearls; set in four rows。 they are like unto moons chained with rays of silver。 they are even as half a hundred moons caught in a golden net。 on the ivory breast of a queen they have rested。 thou shalt be as fair as a queen when thou wearest them。 i have amethysts of two kinds; one that is black like wine; and one that is red 


like wine that one has coloured with water。 i have topazes yellow as are the eyes of tigers; and topazes that are pink as the eyes of a wood…pigeon; and green topazes that are as the eyes of cats。 i have opals that burn always; with a flame that is cold as ice; opals that make sad mens minds; and are afraid of the shadows。 i have onyxes like the eyeballs of a dead woman。 i have moonstones that change when the moon changes; and are wan when they see the sun。 i have sapphires big like eggs; and as blue as blue flowers。 the sea wanders within them; and the moon es never to trouble the blue of their waves。 i have chrysolites and beryls; and chrysoprases and rubies; i have sardonyx and hyacinth stones; and stones of chalcedony; and i will give them all unto thee; all; and other things will i add to them。 the king of the indies has but even now sent me four fans fashioned from the feathers of parrots; and the king of numidia a garment of ostrich feathers。 i have a crystal; into which it is not lawful for a woman to look; nor may young men behold it until they have been beaten with rods。 in a coffer of nacre i have three wondrous turquoises。 he who wears them on his forehead can imagine things which are not; and he who carries them in his hand can turn the fruitful woman into a woman that is barren。 these are great treasures。 they are treasures above all price。 but this is not all。 in an ebony coffer i have two cups of ambe
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