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hat every breath tore at with cold hooks。

how wearily lyra turned the wheels; on what leaden feet her thoughts moved。 the ladders of meaning that led from every one of the alethiometers thirty…siymbols; down which she used to move so lightly and confidently; felt loose and shaky。 and holding the connections between them in her mind。。。it had once been like running; or singing; or telling a story: something natural。 now she had to do it laboriously; and her grip was failing; and she mustnt fail because otherwise everything would fail。。。

〃its not far;〃 she said at last。 〃and theres all kinds of danger; theres a battle; theres。。 。but were nearly in the right place now。 just at the end of this tunnel theres a big smooth rock running with water。 you cut through there。〃

the ghosts who were going to fight pressed forward eagerly; and she felt lee scoresby close at her side。

he said; 〃lyra; gal; it wont be long now。 when you see that old bear; you tell him lee went out fighting。 and when the battles over; therell be all the time in the world to drift along the wind and find the atoms that used to be hester; and my mother in the sagelands; and my sweethearts; all my sweethearts。。。 lyra; child; you rest when this is done; you hear? life is good; and death is over。。。〃

his voice faded。 she wanted to put her arms around him; but of course that was impossible。 so she just looked at his pale form instead; and the ghost saw the passion and brilliance in her eyes; and took strength from it。

and on lyras shoulder; and on wills; rode the two gallivespians。 their short lives were nearly over; each of them felt a stiffness in their limbs; a coldness around the heart。 they would both return soon to the world of the dead; this time as ghosts; but they caught each others eye; and vowed that they would stay with will and lyra for as long as they could; and not say a word about their dying。

up and up the children clambered。 they didnt speak。 they heard each others harsh breathing; they heard their footfalls; they heard the little stones their steps dislodged。 ahead of them all the way; the harpy scrambled heavily; her wings dragging; her claws scratching; silent and grim。

then came a new sound: a regular drip…drip; echoing in the tunnel。 and then a faster dripping; a trickle; a running of water。

〃here!〃 said lyra; reaching forward to touch a sheet of rock that blocked the way; smooth and wet and cold。 〃here it is。〃

she turned to the harpy。

〃i been thinking;〃 she said; 〃how you saved me; and how you promised to guide all the other ghosts thatll e through the world of the dead to that land we slept in last night。 and i thought; if you ent got a name; that cant be fight; not for the future。 so i thought id give you a name; like king iorek byrnison gave me my name silvertongue。 im going to call you gracious wings。 so thats your name now; and thats what youll be for evermore: gracious wings。〃

〃one day;〃 said the harpy; 〃i will see you again; lyra silvertongue。〃

〃and if i know youre here; i shant be afraid;〃 lyra said。 〃good…bye; gracious wings; till i die。〃

she embraced the harpy; hugging her tightly and kissing her on both cheeks。

then the chevalier tialys said: 〃this is the world of lord asriels republic?〃

〃yes;〃 she said; 〃thats what the alethiometer says。 its close to his fortress。〃

〃then let me speak to the ghosts。〃

she held him high; and he called; 〃listen; because the lady salmakia and i are the only ones among us who have seen this world before。 there is a fortress on a mountaintop: that is what lord asriel is defending。 who the enemy is i do not know。 lyra and will have only one task now; which is to search for their daemons。 our task is to help them。 lets be of good courage and fight well。〃

lyra turned to will。

〃all right;〃 he said; 〃im ready。〃

he took out the knife and looked into the eyes of his fathers ghost; who stood close by。 they wouldnt know each other for much longer; and will thought how glad he would have been to see his mother beside them as well; all three together。。。

〃will;〃 said lyra; alarmed。

he stopped。 the knife was stuck in the air。 he took his hand away; and there it hung; fastened in the substance of an invisible world。 he let out a deep breath。

〃i nearly。。。〃

〃i could see;〃 she said。 〃look at me; will。〃

in the ghost light he saw her bright hair; her firm…set mouth; her candid eyes; he felt the warmth of her breath; he caught the friendly scent of her flesh。

the knife came loose。

〃ill try again;〃 he said。

he turned away。 focusing hard; he let his mind flow down to the knife tip; touching; withdrawing; searching; and then he found it。 in; along; down; and back。 the ghosts crowded so close that wills body and lyras felt little jolts of cold along every nerve。

and he made the final cut。

the first thing they sensed was noise。 the light that struck in was dazzling; and they had to cover their eyes; ghosts and living alike; so they could see nothing for several seconds; but the pounding; the explosions; the rattle of gunfire; the shouts and screams were all instantly clear; and horribly frightening。

john parrys ghost and the ghost of lee scoresby recovered their senses first。 because both had been soldiers; experienced in battle; they werent so disoriented by the noise。 will and lyra simply watched in fear and amazement。

explosive rockets were bursting in the air above; showering fragments of rock and metal over the slopes of the mountain; which they saw a little way off; and in the skies angels were fighting angels; and witches; too; swooped and soared screaming their clan cries as they shot arrows at their enemies。 they saw a gallivespian; mounted on a dragonfly; diving to attack a flying machine whose human pilot tried to fight him off hand to hand。 while the dragonfly darted and skimmed above; its rider leapt off to clamp his spurs deep in the pilots neck; and then the insect returned; swooping low to let its rider leap on the brilliant green back as the flying machine droned straight into the rocks at the foot of the fortress。

〃open it wider;〃 said lee scoresby。 〃let us out!〃

〃wait; lee;〃 said john parry。 〃somethings happening; look over there。〃

will cut another small window in the direction he indicated; and as they looked out; they could all see a change in the pattern of the fighting。 the attacking force began to withdraw。 a group of armed vehicles stopped moving forward; and under covering fire; turned laboriously and moved back。 a squadron of flying machines; which had been getting the better of a ragged battle with lord asriels gyropters; wheeled in the sky and made off to the west。 the kingdoms forces on the ground; columns of riflemen; troops equipped with flamethrowers; with poison…spraying cannons; with weapons such as none of the watchers had ever seen; began to disengage and pull back。

〃whats going on?〃 said lee。 〃theyre leaving the field; but why?〃

there seemed to be no reason for it: lord asriels allies were outnumbered; their weapons were less potent; and many more of them were lying wounded。

then will felt a sudden movement among the ghosts。 they were pointing out at something drifting in the air。

〃specters!〃 said john parry。 〃thats the reason。〃

and for the first time; will and lyra thought they could see those things; like veils of shimmering gauze; falling from the sky like thistledown。 but they were very faint; and when they reached the ground; they were much harder to see。

〃what are they doing?〃 said lyra。

〃theyre making for that platoon of asriels riflemen。。。”

and will and lyra knew what would happen; and they both called out in fear: 〃run! get away!〃

some of the soldiers; hearing childrens voices crying out from close by; looked around startled。 others; seeing a specter making for them; so strange and blank and greedy; raised their guns and fired; but of course with no effect。 and then it struck the first man it came to。

he was a soldier from lyras own world; an african。 his daemon was a long…legged tawny cat spotted with black; and she drew back her teeth and prepared to spring。

they all saw the man aiming his rifle; fearless; not giving an inch; and then they saw the daemon in the toils of an invisible net; snarling; howling; helpless; and the man trying to reach to her; dropping his rifle; crying her name; and sinking and fainting himself with pain and brutal nausea。

〃right; will;〃 said john parry。 〃let us out now; we can fight those things。〃

so will opened the window wide and ran out at the head of the army of ghosts; and then began the strangest battle he could imagine。

the ghosts clambered out of the earth; pale forms paler still in the midday light。 they had nothing to fear anymore; and they threw themselves against the invisible specters; grappling and wrestling and tearing at things will and lyra couldnt see at all。

the riflemen and the other living allies were bemused: they could make nothing of this ghostly; spectral bat。 will made his way through the middle of it; brandishing the knife; remembering how the specters had fled from it before。

wherever he went; lyra went; too; wishing she had something to fight with as will was doing; but looking around; wat
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