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but the angel was struggling hard; and now he had one wing free and he was forcing himself up from the ground; and will had to hang on or lose him entirely。 baruch sprang to help him; and forced the attackers head back and back。

〃no!〃 cried balthamos again。 〃no! no!〃

he hurled himself at will; shaking his arm; his shoulder; his hands; and the attacker was trying to shout again; but baruchs hand was over his mouth。 from above came a deep tremor; like a mighty dynamo; almost too low to hear; though it shook the very atoms of the air and jolted the marrow in wills bones。

〃hes ing。。。” balthamos said; almost sobbing; and now will did catch some of his fear。 〃please; please; will。。。”

will looked up。

the clouds were parting; and through the dark gap a figure was speeding down: small at first; but as it

came closer second by second; the form became bigger and more imposing。 he was making straight for them; with unmistakable malevolence。

〃will; you must;〃 said baruch urgently。

will stood up; meaning to say 〃hold him tight;〃 but even as the words came to his mind; the angel sagged against the ground; dissolving and spreading out like mist; and then he was gone。 will looked around; feeling foolish and sick。

〃did i kill him?〃 he said shakily。

〃you had to;〃 said baruch。 〃but now。。。”

〃i hate this;〃 said will passionately; 〃truly; truly; i hate this killing! when will it stop?〃

〃we must go;〃 said balthamos faintly。 〃quickly will; quickly; please。。。”

they were both mortally afraid。

will felt in the air with the tip of the knife: any world; out of this one。 he cut swiftly; and looked up: that other angel from the sky was only seconds away; and his expression was terrifying。 even from that distance; and even in that urgent second or so; will felt himself searched and scoured from one end of his being to the other by some vast; brutal; and merciless intellect。

and what was more; he had a spear; he was raising it to hurl。。。

and in the moment it took the angel to check his flight and turn upright and pull back his arm to fling the weapon; will followed baruch and balthamos through and closed the window behind him。 as his fingers pressed the last inch together; he felt a shock of air; but it was gone; he was safe: it was the spear that would have passed through him in that other world。

they were on a sandy beach under a brilliant moon。 giant fernlike trees grew some way inland; low dunes extended for miles along the shore。 it was hot and humid。

〃who was that?〃 said will; trembling; facing the two angels。

〃that was metatron;〃 said balthamos。 〃you should have。。。”

〃metatron? whos he? why did he attack? and dont lie to me。〃

〃we must tell him;〃 said baruch to his panion。 〃you should have done so already。〃

〃yes; i should have;〃 balthamos agreed; 〃but i was cross with him; and anxious for you。〃

〃tell me now; then;〃 said will。 〃and remember; its no good telling me what i should do; none of it matters to me; none。 only lyra matters; and my mother。 and that;〃 he added to balthamos; 〃is the point of all this metaphysical speculation; as you called it。〃

baruch said; 〃i think we should tell you our information。 will; this is why we two have been seeking you; and why we must take you to lord asriel。 we discovered a secret of the kingdom; of the authoritys world; and we must share it with him。 are we safe here?〃 he added; looking around。 〃there is no way through?〃

〃this is a different world。 a different universe。〃

the sand they stood on was soft; and the slope of the dune nearby was inviting。 they could see for miles in the moonlight; they were utterly alone。

〃tell me; then;〃 said will。 〃tell me about metatron; and what this secret is。 why did that angel call him regent? and what is the authority? is he god?〃

he sat down; and the two angels; their forms clearer in the moonlight than he had ever seen them before; sat with him。

balthamos said quietly; 〃the authority; god; the creator; the lord; yahweh; el; adonai; the king; the father; the almighty; those were all names he gave himself。 he was never the creator。 he was an angel like ourselves; the first angel; true; the most powerful; but he was formed of dust as we are; and dust is only a name for what happens when matter begins to understand itself。 matter loves matter。 it seeks to know more

about itself; and dust is formed。 the first angels condensed out of dust; and the authority was the first of all。 he told those who came after him that he had created them; but it was a lie。 one of those who came later was wiser than he was; and she found out the truth; so he banished her。 we serve her still。 and the authority still reigns in the kingdom; and metatron is his regent。

〃but as for what we discovered in the clouded mountain; we cant tell you the heart of it。 we swore to each other that the first to hear should be lord asriel himself。〃

〃then tell me what you can。 dont keep me in the dark。〃

〃we found our way into the clouded mountain;〃 said baruch; and at once went on: 〃im sorry; we use these terms too easily。 its sometimes called the chariot。 its not fixed; you see; it moves from place to place。 wherever it goes; there is the heart of the kingdom; his citadel; his palace。 when the authority was young; it wasnt surrounded by clouds; but as time passed; he gathered them around him more and more thickly。 no one has seen the summit for thousands of years。 so his citadel is known now as the clouded mountain。〃

〃what did you find there?〃

〃the authority himself dwells in a chamber at the heart of the mountain。 we couldnt get close; although we saw him。 his power。。。”

〃he has delegated much of his power;〃 balthamos interrupted; 〃to metatron。 youve seen what hes like。 we escaped from him before; and now hes seen us again; and what is more; hes seen you; and hes seen the knife。 i did say。。。”

〃balthamos;〃 said baruch gently; 〃dont chide will。 we need his help; and he cant be blamed for not knowing what it took us so long to find out。〃

balthamos looked away。

will said; 〃so youre not going to tell me this secret of yours? all right。 tell me this; instead: what happens when we die?〃

balthamos looked back; in surprise。

baruch said; 〃well; there is a world of the dead。 where it is; and what happens there; no one knows。 my ghost; thanks to balthamos; never went there; i am what was once the ghost of baruch。 the world of the dead is just dark to us。〃

〃it is a prison camp;〃 said balthamos。 〃the authority established it in the early ages。 why do you want to know? you will see it in time。〃

〃my father has just died; thats why。 he would have told me all he knew; if he hadnt been killed。 you say its a world; do you mean a world like this one; another universe?〃

balthamos looked at baruch; who shrugged。

〃and what happens in the world of the dead?〃 will went on。

〃its impossible to say;〃 said baruch。 〃everything about it is secret。 even the churches dont know; they tell their believers that theyll live in heaven; but thats a lie。 if people really knew。。。〃

〃and my fathers ghost has gone there。〃

〃without a doubt; and so have the countless millions who died before him。〃

will found his imagination trembling。

〃and why didnt you go directly to lord asriel with your great secret; whatever it is;〃 he said; 〃instead of looking for me?〃

〃we were not sure;〃 said balthamos; 〃that he would believe us unless we brought him proof of our good intentions。 two angels of low rank; among all the powers he is dealing with; why should he take us seriously? but if we could bring him the knife and its bearer; he might listen。 the knife is a potent weapon; and lord asriel would be glad to have you on his side。〃

〃well; im sorry;〃 said will; 〃but that sounds feeble to me。 if you had any confidence in your secret;

you wouldnt need an excuse to see lord asriel。〃

〃theres another reason;〃 said baruch; 〃we knew that metatron would be pursuing us; and we wanted to make sure the knife didnt fall into his hands。 if we could persuade you to e to lord asriel first; then at least。。。”

〃oh; no; thats not going to happen;〃 said will。 〃youre making it harder for me to reach lyra; not easier。 shes the most important thing; and youre forgetting her pletely。 well; im not。 why dont you just go to lord asriel and leave me alone? make him listen。 you could fly to him much more quickly than i can walk; and im going to find lyra first; e what may。 just do that; just go; just leave me。〃

〃but you need me;〃 said balthamos stiffly; 〃because i can pretend to be your daemon; and in lyras world youd stand out otherwise。〃

will was too angry to speak。 he got up and walked twenty steps away through the soft; deep sand; and then stopped; for the heat and humidity were stunning。

he turned around to see the two angels talking closely together; and then they came up to him; humble and awkward; but proud; too。

baruch said; 〃we are sorry。 i shall go on my own to lord asriel and give him our information; and ask him to send you help to find his daughter。 it will be two days flying time; if i navigate truly。〃

〃and i shall stay with you; will;〃 said balthamos。

〃well;〃 said will; 〃thank you。〃

the two angels embraced。 then baruch f
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