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eds; they had to escape in a hurry; so she and will and roger captured a gyptian narrow boat and sailed it all the way down the thames; nearly getting caught at abingdon lock; and then theyd been sunk by the wapping pirates and had to swim for safety to a three…masted clipper just setting off for hang chow in cathay to trade for tea。

and on the clipper theyd met the gallivespians; who were strangers from the moon; blown down to the earth by a fierce gale out of the milky way。 theyd taken refuge in the crows nest; and she and will and roger used to take turns going up there to see them; only one day roger lost his footing and plunged down into davy joness locker。

they tried to persuade the captain to turn the ship around and look for him; but he was a hard; fierce man only interested in the profit hed make by getting to cathay quickly; and he clapped them in irons。 but the gallivespians brought them a file; and。。。

and so on。 from time to time shed turn to will or the spies for confirmation; and salmakia would add a detail or two; or will would nod; and the story wound itself up to the point where the children and their friends from the moon had to find their way to the land of the dead in order to learn; from her parents; the secret of where the family fortune had been buried。

〃and if we knew our deaths; in our land;〃 she said; 〃like you do here; it would be easier; probably; but i think were really lucky to find our way here; sos we could get your advice。 and thank you very much for being so kind and listening; and for giving us this meal; it was really nice。

〃but what we need now; you see; or in the morning maybe; is we need to find a way out across the water where the dead people go; and see if we can get there; too。 is there any boats we could sort of hire?〃

they looked doubtful。 the children; flushed with tiredness; looked with sleepy eyes from one grownup to the other; but no one could suggest where they could find a boat。

then came a voice that hadnt spoken before。 from the depths of the bedclothes in the corner came a dry…cracked…nasal tone; not a womans voice; not a living voice: it was the voice of the grandmothers death。

〃the only way youll cross the lake and go to the land of the dead;〃 he said; and he was leaning up on his elbow; pointing with a skinny finger at lyra; 〃is with your own deaths。 you must call up your own deaths。 i have heard of people like you; who keep their deaths at bay。 you dont like them; and out of courtesy they stay out of sight。 but theyre not far off。 whenever you turn your head; your deaths dodge behind you。 wherever you look; they hide。 they can hide in a teacup。 or in a dewdrop。 or in a breath of wind。 not like me and old magda here;〃 he said; and he pinched her withered cheek; and she pushed his hand away。 〃we live together in kindness and friendship。 thats the answer; thats it; thats what youve got to do; say wele; make friends; be kind; invite your deaths to e close to you; and see what you can get

them to agree to。〃

his words fell into lyras mind like heavy stones; and will; too; felt the deadly weight of them。

〃how should we do that?〃 he said。

〃youve only got to wish for it; and the thing is done。〃

〃wait;〃 said tialys。

every eye turned to him; and those deaths lying on the floor sat up to turn their blank; mild faces to his tiny; passionate one。 he was standing close by salmakia; his hand on her shoulder。 lyra could see what he was thinking: he was going to say that this had gone too far; they must turn back; they were taking this foolishness to irresponsible lengths。

so she stepped in。 〃excuse me;〃 she said to the man peter; 〃but me and our friend the chevalier; weve got to go outside for a minute; because he needs to talk to his friends in the moon through my special instrument。 we wont be long。〃

and she picked him up carefully; avoiding his spurs; and took him outside into the dark; where a loose piece of corrugated iron roofing was banging in the cold wind with a melancholy sound。

〃you must stop;〃 he said as she set him on an upturned oil drum; in the feeble light of one of those anbaric bulbs that swung on its cable overhead。 〃this is far enough。 no more。〃

〃but we made an agreement;〃 lyra said。

〃no; no。 not to these lengths。〃

〃all right。 leave us。 you fly on back。 will can cut a window into your world; or any world you like; and you can fly through and be safe; thats all right; we dont mind。〃

〃do you realize what youre doing?〃


〃you dont。 youre a thoughtless; irresponsible; lying child。 fantasy es so easily to you that your whole nature is riddled with dishonesty; and you dont even admit the truth when it stares you in the face。 well; if you cant see it; ill tell you plainly: you cannot; you must not risk your death。 you must e back with us now。 ill call lord asriel and we can be safe in the fortress in hours。〃

lyra felt a great sob of rage building up in her chest; and stamped her foot; unable to keep still。

〃you dont know;〃 she cried; 〃you just dont know what i got in my head or my heart; do you? i dont know if you people ever have children; maybe you lay eggs or something; i wouldnt be surprised; because youre not kind; youre not generous; youre not considerate; youre not cruel; even; that would be better; if you were cruel; because itd mean you took us serious; you didnt just go along with us when it suited you。。。 oh; i cant trust you at all now! you said youd help and wed do it together; and now you want to stop us; youre the dishonest one; tialys!〃

〃i wouldnt let a child of my own speak to me in the insolent; high…handed way youre speaking; lyra; why i havent punished you before。。。”

〃then go ahead! punish me; since you can! take your bloody spurs and dig em in hard; go on! heres my hand; do it! you got no idea whats in my heart; you proud; selfish creature; you got no notion how i feel sad and wicked and sorry about my friend roger; you kill people just like that;” she snapped her finger; 〃they dont matter to you; but its a torment and a sorrow to me that i never said good…bye to him; and i want to say sorry and make it as good as i can; youd never understand that; for all your pride; for all your grown…up cleverness; and if i have to die to do whats proper; then i will; and be happy while i do。 i seen worse than that。 so if you want to kill me; you hard man; you strong man; you poison bearer; you chevalier; you do it; go on; kill me。 then me and roger can play in the land of the dead forever; and laugh at you; you pitiful thing。〃

what tialys might have done then wasnt hard to see; for he was ablaze from head to foot with a

passionate anger; shaking with it; but he didnt have time to move before a voice spoke behind lyra; and they both felt a chill fall over them。 lyra turned around; knowing what shed see and dreading it despite her bravado。

the death stood very close; smiling kindly; his face exactly like those of all the others shed seen; but this was hers; her very own death; and pantalaimon at her breast howled and shivered; and his ermine shape flowed up around her neck and tried to push her away from the death。 but by doing that; he only pushed himself closer; and realizing it; he shrank back toward her again; to her warm throat and the strong pulse of her heart。

lyra clutched him to her and faced the death directly。 she couldnt remember what hed said; and out of the corner of her eye; she could see tialys quickly preparing the lodestone resonator; busy。

〃youre my death; ent you?〃 she said。

〃yes; my dear;〃 he said。

〃you ent going to take me yet; are you?〃

〃you wanted me。 i am always here。〃

〃yes; but。。。 i did; yes; but。。。 i want to go to the land of the dead; thats true。 but not to die。 i dont want to die。 i love being alive; and i love my daemon; and 。。。 daemons dont go down there; do they? i seen em vanish and just go out like candles when people die。 do they have daemons in the land of the dead?〃

〃no;〃 he said。 〃your daemon vanishes into the air; and you vanish under the ground。〃

〃then i want to take my daemon with me when i go to the land of the dead;〃 she said firmly。 〃and i want to e back again。 has it ever been known; for people to do that?〃

〃not for many; many ages。 eventually; child; you will e to the land of the dead with no effort; no risk; a safe; calm journey; in the pany of your own death; your special; devoted friend; whos been beside you every moment of your life; who knows you better than yourself。。。”

〃but pantalaimon is my special and devoted friend! i dont know you; death; i know pan and i love pan and if he ever; if we ever。。。”

the death was nodding。 he seemed interested and kindly; but she couldnt for a moment forget what he was: her very own death; and so close。

〃i know itll be an effort to go on now;〃 she said more steadily; 〃and dangerous; but i want to; death; i do truly。 and so does will。 we both had people taken away too soon; and we need to make amends; at least i do。〃

〃everyone wishes they could speak again to those whove gone to the land of the dead。 why should there be an exception for you?〃

〃because;〃 she began; lying; 〃because theres something ive got to do there; not just seeing my friend roger; something e
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