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〃how are we going to help these people; will?〃 she said。

he couldnt even guess。 as they moved on; they could see a movement on the horizon to the left and right; and ahead of them a dirty…colored smoke was rising slowly to add its darkness to the dismal air。 the movement was people; or ghosts: in lines or pairs or groups or alone; but all empty…handed; hundreds and thousands of men and women and children were drifting over the plain toward the source of the smoke。

the ground was sloping downward now; and being more and more like a rubbish dump。 the air was heavy and full of smoke; and of other smells besides: acrid chemicals; decaying vegetable matter; sewage。 and the farther down they went; the worse it got。 there was not a patch of clean soil in sight; and the only plants growing anywhere were rank weeds and coarse grayish grass。

ahead of them; above the water; was the mist。 it rose like a cliff to merge with the gloomy sky; and from somewhere inside it came those bird cries that tialys had referred to。

between the waste heaps and the mist; there lay the first town of the dead。

。d  。


here and there; fires had been lit among the ruins。 the town was a jumble; with no streets; no squares; and no open spaces except where a building had fallen。 a few churches or public buildings still stood above the rest; though their roofs were holed or their walls cracked; and in one case a whole portico had crumpled onto its columns。 between the shells of the stone buildings; a mazy clutter of shacks and shanties had been put together out of lengths of roofing timber; beaten…out petrol cans or biscuit tins; torn plastic sheeting;

scraps of plywood or hardboard。

the ghosts who had e with them were hurrying toward the town; and from every direction came more of them; so many that they looked like the grains of sand that trickle toward the hole of an hourglass。 the ghosts walked straight into the squalid confusion of the town; as if they knew exactly where they were going; and lyra and will were about to follow them; but then they were stopped。

a figure stepped out of a patched…up doorway and said; 〃wait; wait。〃

a dim light was glowing behind him; and it wasnt easy to make out his features; but they knew he wasnt a ghost。 he was like them; alive。 he was a thin man who could have been any age; dressed in a drab and tattered business suit; and he was holding a pencil and a sheaf of papers held together with a clip。 the building hed stepped out of had the look of a customs post on a rarely visited frontier。

〃what is this place?〃 said will; 〃and why cant we go in?〃

〃youre not dead;〃 said the man wearily。 〃you have to wait in the holding area。 go farther along the road to the left and give these papers to the official at the gate。〃

〃but excuse me; sir;〃 said lyra; 〃i hope you dont mind me asking; but how can we have e this far if we ent dead? because this is the world of the dead; isnt it?〃

〃its a suburb of the world of the dead。 sometimes the living e here by mistake; but they have to wait in the holding area before they can go on。〃

〃wait for how long?〃

〃until they die。〃

will felt his head swim。 he could see lyra was about to argue; and before she could speak; he said; 〃can you just explain what happens then? i mean; these ghosts who e here; do they stay in this town forever?〃

〃no; no;〃 said the official。 〃this is just a port of transit。 they go on beyond here by boat。〃

〃where to?〃 said will。

〃thats not something i can tell you;〃 said the man; and a bitter smile pulled his mouth down at the corners。 〃you must move along; please。 you must go to the holding area。〃

will took the papers the man was holding out; and then held lyras arm and urged her away。

the dragonflies were flying sluggishly now; and tialys explained that they needed to rest; so they perched on wills rucksack; and lyra let the spies sit on her shoulders。 pantalaimon; leopard…shaped; looked up at them jealously; but he said nothing。 they moved along the track; skirting the wretched shanties and the pools of sewage; and watching the never…ending stream of ghosts arriving and passing without hindrance into the town itself。

〃weve got to get over the water; like the rest of them;〃 said will。 〃and maybe the people in this holding place will tell us how。 they dont seem to be angry anyway; or dangerous。 its strange。 and these papers。。。 〃

they were simply scraps of paper torn from a notebook; with random words scribbled in pencil and crossed out。 it was as if these people were playing a game; and waiting to see when the travelers would challenge them or give in and laugh。 and yet it all looked so real。

it was getting darker and colder; and time was hard to keep track of。 lyra thought they walked for half an hour; or maybe it was twice as long; the look of the place didnt change。 finally they reached a little wooden shack like the one theyd stopped at earlier; where a dim bulb glowed on a bare wire over the door。

as they approached; a man dressed much like the other one came out holding a piece of bread and butter in one hand; and without a word looked at their papers and nodded。

he handed them back and was about to go inside when will said; 〃excuse me; where do we go now?〃

〃go and find somewhere to stay;〃 said the man; not unkindly。 〃just ask。 everybodys waiting; same as


he turned away and shut his door against the cold; and the travelers turned down into the heart of the shanty town where the living people had to stay。

it was very much like the main town: shabby little huts; repaired a dozen times; patched with scraps of plastic or corrugated iron; leaning crazily against each other over muddy alleyways。 at some places; an anbaric cable looped down from a bracket and provided enough feeble current to power a naked lightbulb or two; strung out over the nearby huts。 most of what light there was; however; came from the fires。 their smoky glow flickered redly over the scraps and tatters of building material; as if they were the last remaining flames of a great conflagration; staying alive out of pure malice。

but as will and lyra and the gallivespians came closer and saw more detail; they picked out many more figures sitting in the darkness by themselves; or leaning against the walls; or gathered in small groups; talking quietly。

〃why arent those people inside?〃 said lyra。 〃its cold。〃

〃theyre not people;〃 said the lady salmakia。 〃theyre not even ghosts。 theyre something else; but i dont know what。〃

the travelers came to the first group of shacks; which were lit by one of those big weak anbaric bulbs on a cable swinging slightly in the cold wind; and will put his hand on the knife at his belt。 there was a group of those people…shaped things outside; crouching on their heels and rolling dice; and when the children came near; they stood up: five of them; all men; their faces in shadow and their clothes shabby; all silent。

〃what is the name of this town?〃 said will。

there was no reply。 some of them took a step backward; and all five moved a little closer together; as if they were afraid。 lyra felt her skin crawling; and all the tiny hairs on her arms standing on end; though she couldnt have said why。 inside her shirt pantalaimon was shivering and whispering; 〃no; no; lyra; no; go away; lets go back; please 。。。〃

the 〃people〃 made no move; and finally will shrugged and said; 〃well; good evening to you anyway;〃 and moved on。 they met a similar response from all the other figures they spoke to; and all the time their apprehension grew。

〃will; are they specters?〃 lyra said quietly。 〃are we grown up enough to see specters now?〃

〃i dont think so。 if we were; theyd attack us; but they seem to be afraid themselves。 i dont know what they are。〃

a door opened; and light spilled out on the muddy ground。 a man; a real man; a human being; stood in the doorway; watching them approach。 the little cluster of figures around the door moved back a step or two; as if out of respect; and they saw the mans face: stolid; harmless; and mild。

〃who are you?〃 he said。

〃travelers;〃 said will。 〃we dont know where we are。 what is this town?〃

〃this is the holding area;〃 said the man。 〃have you traveled far?〃

〃a long way; yes; and were tired;〃 said will。 〃could we buy some food and pay for shelter?〃

the man was looking past them; into the dark; and then he came out and looked around further; as if there were someone missing。 then he turned to the strange figures standing by and said:

〃did you see any death?〃

they shook their heads; and the children heard a murmur of 〃no; no; none。〃

the man turned back。 behind him; in the doorway; there were faces looking out: a woman; two young children; another man。 they were all nervous and apprehensive。

〃death?〃 said will。 〃were not bringing any death。〃

but that fact seemed to be the very thing they were worried about; because when will spoke; there was a soft gasp from the living people; and even the figures outside shrank away a little。

〃excuse me;〃 said lyra; stepping forward in her best polite way; as if the housekeeper of jordan college were glaring at her。 〃i couldnt help noticing; but these gentlemen here
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