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she stepped out of the shelter of the roots and faced them directly。 she held out her hands; realizing that such a gesture might mean nothing to creatures with no hands themselves。 still; it was all she could do。 picking up her rucksack; she walked across the grass and stepped onto the road。

close up; not five steps away; she could see much more about their appearance; but her attention was held by something lively and aware in their gaze; by an intelligence。 these creatures were as different from the grazing animals nearby as a human was from a cow。

mary pointed to herself and said; 〃mary。〃

the nearest creature reached forward with its trunk。 she moved closer; and it touched her on the breast; where she had pointed; and she heard her voice ing back to her from the creatures throat: 〃merry。〃

〃what are you?〃 she said。

〃watahyu?〃 the creature responded。

all she could do was respond。 〃i am a human;〃 she said。

〃ayama yuman;〃 said the creature; and then something even odder happened: the creatures laughed。

their eyes wrinkled; their trunks waved; they tossed their heads; and from their throats came the unmistakable sound of merriment。 she couldnt help it: she laughed; too。

then another creature moved forward and touched her hand with its trunk。 mary offered her other hand as well to its soft; bristled; questing touch。

〃ah;〃 she said; 〃youre smelling the oil from the seedpod。。。〃

〃seepot;〃 said the creature。

〃if you can make the sounds of my language; we might be able to municate; one day。 god knows how。 mary;〃 she said; pointing to herself again。

nothing。 they watched。 she did it again: 〃mary。〃

the nearest creature touched its own breast with its trunk and spoke。 was it three syllables; or two? the creature spoke again; and this time mary tried hard to make the same sounds: 〃mulefa;〃 she said tentatively。

others repeated; 〃mulefa〃 in her voice; laughing; and even seemed to be teasing the creature who had spoken。 〃mulefa!〃 they said again; as if it were a fine joke。

〃well; if you can laugh; i dont suppose youll eat me;〃 mary said。 and from that moment; there was an ease and friendliness between her and them; and she felt nervous no more。

and the group itself relaxed: they had things to do; they werent roaming at random。 mary saw that one of them had a saddle or pack on its back; and two others lifted the seedpod onto it; making it secure by tying straps around it; with deft and intricate movements of their trunks。 when they stood still; they balanced with their lateral legs; and when they moved; they turned both front and back legs to steer。 their movements were full of grace and power。

one of them wheeled to the edge of the road and raised its trunk to utter a trumpeting call。 the herd of grazers all looked up as one and began to trot toward them。 when they arrived; they stood patiently at the verge and let the wheeled creatures move slowly through them; checking; touching; counting。

then mary saw one reach beneath a grazer and milk it with her trunk; and then the wheeled one rolled over to her and raised her trunk delicately to marys mouth。

at first she flinched; but there was an expectation in the creatures eye; so she came forward again and opened her lips。

the creature expressed a little of the sweet; thin milk into her mouth; watched her swallow; and gave her some more; again and again。 the gesture was so clever and kindly that mary impulsively put her arms around the creatures head and kissed her; smelling the hot; dusty hide and feeling the hard bones underneath and the muscular power of the trunk。

presently the leader trumpeted softly and the grazers moved away。 the mulefa were preparing to leave。

she felt joy that they had weled her; and sadness that they were leaving; but then she felt surprise as well。

one of the creatures was lowering itself; kneeling down on the road; and gesturing with its trunk; and the others were beckoning and inviting her。。。no doubt about it: they were offering to carry her; to take her with them。

another took her rucksack and fastened it to the saddle of a third; and awkwardly mary climbed on the back of the kneeling one; wondering where to put her legs; in front of the creatures; or behind? and what could she hold on to?

but before she could work it out; the creature had risen; and the group began to move away along the highway; with mary riding among them。

because hes will。〃

。d xs 


balthamos felt the death of baruch the moment it happened。 he cried aloud and soared into the night air over the tundra; flailing his wings and sobbing his anguish into the clouds; and it was some time before he could pose himself and go back to will; who was wide awake; knife in hand; peering up into the damp and chilly murk。 they were back in lyras world。

〃what is it?〃 said will as the angel appeared trembling beside him。 〃is it danger? get behind me。。。”

〃baruch is dead;〃 cried balthamos; 〃my dear baruch is dead。。。”

〃when? where?〃

but balthamos couldnt tell; he only knew that half his heart had been extinguished。 he couldnt keep still: he flew up again; scouring the sky as if to seek out baruch in this cloud or that; calling; crying; calling; and then hed be overe with guilt; and fly down to urge will to hide and keep quiet; and promise to watch over him tirelessly; and then the pressure of his grief would crush him to the ground; and hed remember every instance of kindness and courage that baruch had ever shown; and there were thousands; and hed forgotten none of them; and hed cry that a nature so gracious could never be snuffed out; and hed soar into the skies again; casting about in every direction; reckless and wild and stricken; cursing the very air; the clouds; the stars。

finally will said; 〃balthamos; e here。〃

the angel came at his mand; helpless。 shivering inside his cloak; in the hitter cold gloom of the tundra; the boy said to him; 〃you must try to keep quiet now。 you know there are things out there thatll attack if they hear a noise。 i can protect you with the knife if youre nearby; but if they attack you up there; i wont be able to help。 and if you die; too; thatll be the end for me。 balthamos; i need you to help guide me to lyra。 please dont forget that。 baruch was strong; be strong; too。 be like him for me。〃

at first balthamos didnt speak; but then he said; 〃yes。 yes; of course i must。 sleep now; will; and i shall stand guard; i shant fail you。〃

will trusted him; he had to。 and presently he fell asleep again。

when he woke up; soaked with dew and cold to his bones; the angel was standing nearby。 the sun was just rising; and the reeds and the marsh plants were all tipped with gold。

before will could move; balthamos said; 〃ive decided what i must do。 i shall stay with you day and night; and do it cheerfully and willingly; for the sake of baruch。 i shall guide you to lyra; if i can; and then i shall guide you both to lord asriel。 i have lived thousands of years; and unless i am killed; i shall live many thousands of years more; but i never met a nature that made me so ardent to do good; or to be kind; as baruchs did。 i failed so many times; but each time his goodness was there to redeem me。 now its not; i

shall have to try without it。 perhaps i shall fail from time to time; but i shall try all the same。〃

〃then baruch would be proud of you;〃 said will; shivering。

〃shall i fly ahead now and see where we are?〃

〃yes;〃 said will; 〃fly high; and tell me what the lands like farther on。 walking on this marshland is going to take forever。〃

balthamos took to the air。 he hadnt told will everything he was anxious about; because he was trying to do his best and not worry him; but he knew that the angel metatron; the regent; from whom theyd escaped so narrowly; would have wills face firmly imprinted on his mind。 and not only his face; but everything about him that angels were able to see; including parts of which will himself was not aware; such as that aspect of his nature lyra would have called his daemon。 will was in great danger from metatron now; and at some time balthamos would have to tell him; but not quite yet。 it was too difficult。

will; reckoning that it would be quicker to get warm by walking than by gathering fuel and waiting for a fire to catch; simply slung the rucksack over his shoulders; wrapped the cloak around everything; and set off toward the south。 there was a path; muddy and rutted and potholed; so people did sometimes e this way; but the flat horizon was so far away on every side that he had little sense of making progress。

sometime later; when the light was brighter; balthamoss voice spoke beside him。

〃about half a days walk ahead; there is a wide river and a town; where theres a wharf for boats to tie up。 i flew high enough to see that the river goes a long way directly south and north。 if you could get a passage; then you could move much more quickly。〃

〃good;〃 said will fervently。 〃and does this path go to the town?〃

〃it goes through a village; with a church and farms and orchards; and then on to the town。〃

〃i wonder what language they speak。 i hope they dont lock me up if i cant speak theirs。〃

〃as your daemon;〃 said b
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