thir inward state of mind; calm region once ' 1125 '
and full of peace; now tost and turbulent:
for understanding ruld not; and the will
heard not her lore; both in subjection now
to sensual appetite; who from beneathe
usurping over sovran reason claimd ' 1130 '
superior sway: from thus distemperd brest;
adam; estrangd in look and alterd stile;
speech intermitted thus to eve renewd。
Paradise Lost Ⅸ27
would thou hadst hearknd to my words; and staid
with me; as i besought thee; when that strange ' 1135 '
desire of wandring this unhappie morn;
i know not whence possessd thee; we had then
remaind still happie; not as now; despoild
of all our good; shamd; naked; miserable。
let none henceforth seek needless cause to approve ' 1140 '
the faith they owe; when earnestly they seek
such proof; conclude; they then begin to faile。
to whom soon movd with touch of blame thus eve。
what words have past thy lips; adam severe;
imputst thou that to my default; or will ' 1145 '
of wandring; as thou callst it; which who knows
but might as ill have happnd thou being by;
or to thy self perhaps: hadst thou been there;
or here th attempt; thou couldst not have discernd
fraud in the serpent; speaking as he spake; ' 1150 '
no ground of enmitie between us known;
why hee should mean me ill; or seek to harme。
was i to have never parted from thy side?
as good have grown there still a liveless rib。
being as i am; why didst not thou the head ' 1155 '
mand me absolutely not to go;
going into such danger as thou saidst?
too facil then thou didst not much gainsay;
nay; didst permit; approve; and fair dismiss。
hadst thou bin firm and fixt in thy dissent; ' 1160 '
neither had i transgressd; nor thou with mee。
to whom then first incenst adam replid;
is this the love; is this the repence
of mine to thee; ingrateful eve; exprest
immutable when thou wert lost; not i; ' 1165 '
who might have livd and joyd immortal bliss;
yet willingly chose rather death with thee:
and am i now upbraided; as the cause
of thy transgressing? not enough severe;
it seems; in thy restraint: what could i more? ' 1170 '
i warnd thee; i admonishd thee; foretold
the danger; and the lurking enemie
that lay in wait; beyond this had bin force;
and force upon free will hath here no place。
but confidence then bore thee on; secure ' 1175 '
either to meet no danger; or to finde
matter of glorious trial; and perhaps
i also errd in overmuch admiring
what seemd in thee so perfet; that i thought
no evil durst attempt thee; but i rue ' 1180 '
that errour now; which is bee my crime;
and thou th accuser。 thus it shall befall
him who to worth in women overtrusting
lets her will rule; restraint she will not brook;
and left to her self; if evil thence ensue; ' 1185 '
shee first his weak indulgence will accuse。
thus they in mutual accusation spent
the fruitless hours; but neither self…condemning;
and of thir vain contest appeerd no end。
the end of the ninth book。
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