a whole science exists around it。
if we could make use of the science of child…conception; a plete transformation of the human race could be brought about。
even little things make a difference。
currently; a scientist is carrying on a small experiment which will bring about a fundamental change。
he has devised a small belt which is to be tied around a pregnant womans abdomen。
it so happened that once a woman had to wear a belt for some reason in her pregnancy …… she was ill …… but it created a strange effect on the child。
it was found that the belt pressed against the babys head and the child was born with a very high iq。
this was purely accidental; a particular center of the childs brain was pressed。
following this incident; the scientist has carried out many more experiments。
it may well be that the child was naturally endowed with such high intelligence; and the whole thing was just a coincidence。
however; the subsequent experiments proved that if pressure is applied at a particular place on a pregnant womans abdomen; it causes a remarkable change in the childs intelligence。
there are many asanas; body postures; which are meant to bring about the required pressure at a particular point。
there are many breathing techniques for the same purpose。
there are many words which; when articulated properly; bring about a certain pressure。
all of these bee helpful in allowing the genius; the health; the capability; the potentiality of the child to manifest fully。
up to now man has discovered who knows how many ways to cause mischief; but he has not been putting enough energy into discovering ways which can build; enrich the future of mankind。
but it is all possible。
as soon as a woman conceives; she begins to reflect the possibilities the child is endowed with。
it is in fact a dual process。
in pregnancy; if the mother bees irritable; angry; the child will be born with an angry temperament。
similarly; if the soul of an angry disposition has entered the womb; a woman who otherwise never became angry would begin to show anger。
this is indeed very remarkable。
and in view of this fact; experiments can be done for treating the anger of the conceived child right when it is in a seed form。
there are many souls which can take birth but havent been able to yet。
its a very strange situation。
it is something like a university which may give some people education up to the b。
; but has no additional provision or facility for postgraduate study or for research。
in that case; many graduates would have to be on the lookout for some place where they can work toward an m。
or do further research。
this world of ours develops the being and intelligence of some people only to a certain point; and then deserts them。
beyond that we have no means to help them further。
but a systematic provision can be made。
the right type of possibilities and conditions can be created so higher souls may find their way into this world。
so let me repeat the few basic points。
the first thing is: our whole attitude toward sex is sick and dangerous。
as long as the sacredness of sex is not recognized in this world; well go on causing more and more harm to mankind。
so long as one has not bee meditative prior to entering sex; his sex will remain animal…like: it can never have a human quality。
and secondly; without a prolonged period of celibacy preceding the sexual involvement the creation of a powerful sperm is not possible。
and without it there is no possibility of giving birth to a powerful soul。
question 3
you have said once before that if people like krishna; christ; buddha; mahavira do not appear on the earth in the next fifty years; the whole of humanity may perish。
you also stated; as did vivekananda; 〃i am in search of a hundred individuals who can show courage in attaining the ultimate heights of spirit。
if that es true; then it will be possible to save not only this country; but the entire humanity。
this is the reason why in village after village i keep looking in the eyes of those who can be useful。
from my side i am ready totally to take you inward。
lets see if at the time of my death i will have to say as well that; i was looking for a hundred individuals; but couldnt find them。
if you are ready; then e along!〃
would you kindly explain what you mean by 〃i am ready〃 and 〃if you are ready〃? please explain what preparation is required on our part; and how do we prepare ourselves?
let me just explain to you the meaning of your preparation。
i have to do my own preparation …… you have; of course; nothing to do with it。
in fact; i dont have to do any preparation; i am ready。
so what is your preparation? there are three things involved in it。
first; over the past thousands of years; we have bee believers rather than inquirers。
a believing mind has e to exist instead of an inquiring mind。
we immediately believe; we never go on a search。
and whatsoever is worth attaining in this world; cannot be attained without inquiring; searching。
even if it were possible to attain everything else without searching; ones own being cannot be attained without a quest。
so the first thing is: one should have a mind full of questions。
the first preparation is to have a probing mind。
you may say you do inquire; you do ask questions。
remember; however; your inquiries only look for an answer; i dont consider them inquiries。
the question should not just look for an answer; it should look for an experience。
anyone can give you an answer; no one can give you the experience。
there are people who seem to be inquiring; and their inquiry seems religious。
ostensibly they ask; 〃does god exist? is there moksha; salvation?〃 but it appears they are looking for answers; someone should provide them the answers …… thats all。
if the query is only to find the answer; then sooner or later the answer will turn into a belief; because the questioner is not ready to take much trouble。
his interest is simply that he should meet someone he can believe in; someone who can provide the answer and satisfy his curiosity。
i have no answers for anyone。
i am not interested in supplying answers。
if i do speak a little in terms of answering the questions; it is only so that the questioners dont altogether run away。
i would like them to stay a little longer so that i may destroy their desire to find the answer; and instead help grow the seed desiring the experience。
people are ready to have answers; no one wants to know really。
answers are cheap。
you can find them in books; gurus can provide them。
finding answers is an absolutely intellectual thing; it has nothing to do with living totally。
a quest for experience is needed; a probing for the sake of experience is required。
let me tell you a story as an example。
in tibet lived a mystic called milarepa。
there was a custom in tibet that when someone went to see the master; he had first to walk around him three times; then bow down to him seven times; and then sit in a corner reverently until the master called and allowed him to ask。
milarepa went straight to the master and caught him by the neck。
he neither went around him three times; nor did he bow seven times and wait his turn sitting quietly in the corner。
he simply took hold of the master and said:
〃tell me quickly what you want to say to me; because i dont even know what i want to ask。
i know this much: that i dont know anything。
if you have anything to say; then speak!〃
the master said; 〃now wait a minute and behave yourself。
arent you aware of the etiquette for asking a question? dont you know that you are required to go around the master three times; bow down to him seven times; and then sit in a corner till you are called?〃
milarepa said; 〃ill do all that later。
tell me; in the process of going around three times; and bowing down seven times; and sitting in the corner respectfully; if i were to die; who will be responsible? will you take the responsibility for my death or will i be responsible? if you promise me i wont die while doing all that; i am willing to go around and bow down not only seven but seven hundred times。
first answer me; the formalities can be done later; at leisure。
the master said; 〃sit down。
you are the kind of person who is in search of an experience; not an answer。
it is good that you didnt circle around me; because that business is meant only for those who can do it。
when someone does this going around; i know a wrong man has e; because it shows he still has time to do it。
so the first element i look for in a seeker is the element of inquiry: the quest; not for an answer; but for the experience; a search not to find a philosophy; but to discover ones own being; a probing not simply to know; but to attain; not even just to attain; but to be。
so this is the first thing。
the second thing is that normally; when we set out to achieve something we have to lose something。
nothing in this world is attained without losing something in return。
but that is not the case in attaining truth。
no matter how mu
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