the more conscious man bees; the more his choices will lead him towards happiness; the more unconscious he is; the closer he will move towards misery。
so when i say to you; you will have to make a choice
there are ways to bee vapor; but you will have to reach to the point where vapor es into being。
there are ways to bee ice; but you will have to e to the point where ice es into being。
there are ways to live; but you will have to explore the order of life。
there are ways to meet death; but you will have to find the order of death。
the choice is yours。
furthermore; you and nature are not two separate entities …… you are nature。
so what this means is; natures multidimensionality is of two kinds。
mahavira has used a term which is worth considering。
the term mahavira has used is anant…anant …… infinite infinities。
there is already a word anant; infinite; it means infinite in one direction。
the word anant…anant means infinite in infinite directions。
it is not that the infinity is only in a couple of directions …… it is in all directions; there are infinities in all infinities。
so this universe is not just infinite。
rather; one should say the universe consists of infinite infinities。
what i am saying is; first; there are infinite directions; and nature provides the opportunity for all of them。
there are infinite choices and nature makes all of them available too。
there are an infinite number of people who are indeterminable parts of nature itself。
and each one has a free choice whether to choose or not to choose。
all of this; however; is not being controlled from above …… it is regulated from within。
this infinity; or one should say this infinite infinities; is not like someone pulling an ox forward with a rope tied around its neck。
nor is it like someone lashing and shoving the ox from behind。
rather; its like spring water which has burst forth through its own inner power and is flowing。
neither is anyone pulling it forward; nor is anyone pushing it from behind; neither is anyone giving it a call; nor is anyone forcing it to move ahead。
it has a tremendous power; tremendous energy。
and what is the energy doing? it is bursting forth; it is flowing。
thats its inner expansion。
so there are infinite dimensions; infinite choices; infinite parts making choices。
but there is no controller…type god supervising from above。
there is no god sitting above and giving directions; there is no engineer。
rather; the infinite energy within is the only source that causes everything to expand。
so there are three planes。
one plane consists of the state of unconsciousness; where; because of unconsciousness; whatsoever happens just happens。
the choice is almost none。
the second plane; where choice exists; is the human plane; the plane of consciousness。
here; whatsoever happens; happens because of our choice。
here; we cant hold anyone else responsible for it。
if one is a thief; it is his choice; if one is honest; that too is his choice。
on this plane whatsoever one is; it is ultimately his choice。
on the human plane whatsoever occurs; it is because of choice。
since this plane consists of the state which is half…conscious and half…unconscious; we occasionally choose things we dont want to choose。
this is very interesting。
to say that we occasionally choose things we didnt wish to choose in the first place sounds very contrary; but in fact we do so every day。
you dont want to get angry; but you do get angry。
what does this mean? it means that the anger arises from your unconscious part; while the thought about not wanting to be angry es from the conscious part of you。
your conscious part says; 〃dont be angry;〃 while the unconscious part goes on being angry。
you remain divided in two。
one half of you is joined with the lower world …… the world of rocks and mountains where everything is in a state of unconsciousness。
the other half is awakened。
it is filled with consciousness and is connected to the world that lies ahead …… the world of wholeness; the world of the divine; where everything is fully conscious。
man is in between; and thats the reason he is in a state of tension。
it would be better if we say man is the tension itself …… half of him being pulled to one side; half to the other。
in other words; he does not have any individuality。
he is schizophrenic。
he sleeps at night and bees part of nature; he wakes up in the morning and begins his journey towards the divine。
when he is in a rage he is blind with anger; when he works on a mathematical problem; he does so with great awareness。
no one has been heard to say; while doing arithmetic; 〃i wanted to add two and two to make four; but i added them up as five。
〃 but as far as anger is concerned; a man admits he didnt want to be angry and yet became angry。
obviously there does exist a gap between the state of anger and finding the solution to an arithmetic problem。
perhaps arithmetic is a part of our awakened state; while anger is a part of our unconscious state。
this is the reason why man is in continuous anxiety; why he is always plagued by worries; tension; anguish。
he is always in misery。
he does what he does not want to do; and he cannot do what he really wants to do。
this is how he is always in tension。
man is swinging like a pendulum all the time …… sometimes to the left; sometimes to the right。
thats why you cant trust him …… now he is to the right; now he is to the left。
you cant be sure about him because the man moves back and forth like the pendulum of a clock。
beyond the human plane lies the third plane …… that of total awakening。
there is no choice on this plane either。
however; there is a difference between the state of no…choice of the first plane and that of this plane。
the first plane consists of the unconscious state。
the chooser is not present; hence there is no question of making a choice。
what can a man who is asleep choose? he will continue to remain asleep。
even when his house is on fire he wont be able to decide whether to stay in or go out until he wakes up。
there is no choice in the world of unconsciousness; because the chooser is asleep。
the world of consciousness; of awareness …… which i call god …… is the awakened state of nature。
as soon as a man enters this fully awakened world; there is no more choice here as well。
choice is not there because the man is fully awake。
he unquestionably sees that which is right; hence he has no reason to choose。
the situation for choosing arises only when things appear hazy; that is; when one is in a quandary; whether to do this or that; when one is caught in the situation of either/or。
this shows he is unable to see clearly; everything looks hazy to him。
both things seem worth doing; and both things dont seem worth doing as well …… hence the choice。
if one is able to see precisely what is worth doing and what is not; then where is the question of choosing? then all choosing ends。
then one does what is worth doing and leaves what is not worth doing。
hence; on this plane a man cannot say he did something he never wanted to do …… the question doesnt arise。
he cant even say; 〃i regret what i have done;〃 because the question doesnt arise at all。
he cannot even say he mitted a mistake which he never should have …… that too is out of the question。
there is no choice involved in what a fully awakened person does。
he acts only upon what he sees; upon what is worth doing。
it is not that he feels he has to do it。
whatsoever needs to be done; it happens。
so there is neither any choice on the plane of total awareness; nor any choice on the plane of total unconsciousness。
choice exists on the human plane; which consists of half consciousness and half awareness。
here it is all up to you …… you can go in either direction。
you are standing in the middle of the bridge …… you can either turn back or move ahead。
it always looks easier to turn back。
why? …… because the place to which we return is known territory。
we e from there; the place does not hold much of a threat。
the terrain is familiar。
moving ahead always looks dangerous because we dont even have any sense of direction。
thats why man drinks; bees unconscious; regresses。
this shows he is giving up on being a human。
this way he makes it evident; in fact; that; 〃i want to get out of the bother of choosing。
i want to reach a point where one doesnt have to make any choice。
i want to remain in a state of stupor …… where i may remain lying in a gutter; languishing on the roadside; talking filthy if i want to; not talking filthy if i dont want to。
i want to be in a condition where whatsoever is happening is happening; where i dont have to make any choice。
so man arrives at a point where he no longer has to bear the tension and burden of making a decision。
hence all the intoxicants pull man back from the bridge。
they call him; 〃e back; you were fine in your previous location。
〃 you will have to raise consciousness in order to move forward; because as you move ahead on the bridge; youll bee more a
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