《Paradise Lost Ⅹ》



Paradise Lost Ⅹ- 第1部分

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mans transgression known; the guardian angels forsake paradise; and return up to heaven to approve thir vigilance; and are approvd; god declaring that the entrance of satan could not be by them prevented。 he sends his son to judge the transgressors; who descends and gives sentence accordingly; then in pity cloaths them both; and reascends。 sin and death sitting till then at the gates of hell; by wondrous sympathie feeling the success of satan in this new world; and the sin by man there mitted; resolve to sit no longer confind in hell; but to follow satan thir sire up to the place of man: to make the way easier from hell to this world to and fro; they pave a broad highway or bridge over chaos; according to the track that satan first made; then preparing for earth; they meet him proud of his success returning to hell; thir mutual gratulation。 satan arrives at pandemonium; in full of assembly relates with boasting his success against man; instead of applause is entertained with a general hiss by all his audience; transformd with himself also suddenly into serpents; according to his doom givn in paradise; then deluded with a shew of the forbidden tree springing up before them; they greedily reaching to take of the fruit; chew dust and bitter ashes。 the proceedings of sin and death; god foretels the final victory of his son over them; and the renewing of all things; but for the present mands his angels to make several alterations in the heavens and elements。 adam more and more perceiving his falln condition heavily bewailes; rejects the condolement of eve; she persists and at length appeases him: then to evade the curse likely to fall on thir ofspring; proposes to adam violent wayes which he approves not; but conceiving better hope; puts her in mind of the late promise made them; that her seed should be revengd on the serpent; and exhorts her with him to seek peace of the offended deity; by repentance and supplication。

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Paradise Lost Ⅹ1

meanwhile the hainous and despightfull act

of satan done in paradise; and how

hee in the serpent; had perverted eve;

her husband shee; to taste the fatall fruit;

was known in heavn; for what can scape the eye ' 5 '

of god all…seeing; or deceave his heart

omniscient; who in all things wise and just;

hinderd not satan to attempt the minde

of man; with strength entire; and free will armd;

plete to have discoverd and repulst ' 10 '

whatever wiles of foe or seeming friend。

for still they knew; and ought to have still rememberd

the high injunction not to taste that fruit;

whoever tempted; which they not obeying;

incurrd; what could they less; the penaltie; ' 15 '

and manifold in sin; deservd to fall。

up into heavn from paradise in haste

th angelic guards ascended; mute and sad

for man; for of his state by this they knew;

much wondring how the suttle fiend had stoln ' 20 '

entrance unseen。 soon as th unwele news

from earth arrivd at heaven gate; displeasd

all were who heard; dim sadness did not spare

that time celestial visages; yet mixt

with pitie; violated not thir bliss。 ' 25 '

about the new…arrivd; in multitudes

th ethereal people ran; to hear and know

how all befell: they towards the throne supream

accountable made haste to make appear

with righteous plea; thir utmost vigilance; ' 30 '

and easily approvd; when the most high

eternal father from his secret cloud;

amidst in thunder utterd thus his voice。

assembld angels; and ye powers returnd

from unsuccessful charge; be not dismaid; ' 35 '

nor troubld at these tidings from the earth;

which your sincerest care could not prevent;

foretold so lately what would e to pass;

when first this tempter crossd the gulf from hell。


Paradise Lost Ⅹ2

i told ye then he should prevail and speed ' 40 '

on his bad errand; man should be seduct

and flatterd out of all; believing lies

against his maker; no decree of mine

concurring to necessitate his fall;

or touch with lightest moment of impulse ' 45 '

his free will; to her own inclining left

in eevn scale。 but falln he is; and now

what rests but that the mortal sentence pass

on his transgression death denounct that day;

which he presumes already vain and void; ' 50 '

because not yet inflicted; as he feard;

by some immediate stroak; but soon shall find

forbearance no acquittance ere day end。

justice shall not return as bountie scornd。

but whom send i to judge them? whom but thee ' 55 '

vicegerent son; to thee i have transferrd

all judgement whether in heavn; or earth; or hell。

easie it might be seen that i intend

mercie collegue with justice; sending thee

mans friend his mediator; his designd ' 60 '

both ransom and redeemer voluntarie;

and destind man himself to judge man falln。

so spake the father; and unfoulding bright

toward the right hand his glorie; on the son

blazd forth unclouded deitie; he full ' 65 '

resplendent all his father manifest

expressd; and thus divinely answerd milde。

father eternal; thine is to decree;

mine both in heavn and earth to do thy will

supream; that thou in mee thy son belovd ' 70 '

mayst ever rest well pleasd。 i go to judge

on earth these thy transgressors; but thou knowst;

whoever judgd; the worst on mee must light;

when time shall be; for so i undertook

before thee; and not repenting; this obtaine ' 75 '

of right; that i may mitigate thir doom

on me derivd; yet i shall temper so

justice with mercie; as may illustrate most

them fully satisfied; and thee appease。


Paradise Lost Ⅹ3

attendance none shall need; nor train; where none ' 80 '

are to behold the judgement; but the judgd;

those two; the third best absent is condemnd;

convict by flight; and rebel to all law

conviction to the serpent none belongs。

thus saying; from his radiant seat he rose ' 85 '

of high collateral glorie: him thrones and powers;

princedoms; and dominations ministrant

acpanied to heaven gate; from whence

eden and all the coast in prospect lay。

down he descended strait; the speed of gods ' 90 '

time counts not; though with swiftest minutes wingd。

now was the sun in western cadence low

from noon; and gentle aires due at thir hour

to fan the earth now wakd; and usher in

the eevning coole; when he from wrauth more coole ' 95 '

came the mild judge and intercessor both

to sentence man: the voice of god they heard

now walking in the garden; by soft windes

brought to thir ears; while day declind; they heard;

and from his presence hid themselves among ' 100 '

the thickest trees; both man and wife; till god

approaching; thus to adam calld aloud。

where art thou adam; wont with joy to meet

my ing seen far off? i miss thee here;

not pleasd; thus entertaind with solitude; ' 105 '

where obvious dutie erewhile appeard unsaught:

or e i less conspicuous; or what change

absents thee; or what chance detains? e forth。

he came; and with him eve; more loth; though first

to offend; discountnanct both; and disposd; ' 110 '

love was not in thir looks; either to god

or to each other; but apparent guilt;

and shame; and perturbation; and despaire;

anger; and obstinacie; and hate; and guile。

whence adam faultring long; thus answerd brief。 ' 115 '

i heard thee in the garden; and of thy voice

affraid; being naked; hid my self。 to whom

the gracious judge without revile replid。


Paradise Lost Ⅹ4

my voice thou oft hast heard; and hast not feard;

but still rejoyct; how is it now bee ' 120 '

so dreadful to thee? that thou art naked; who

hath told thee? hast thou eaten of the tree

whereof i gave thee charge thou shouldst not eat?

to whom thus adam sore beset replid。

o heavn! in evil strait this day i stand ' 125 '

before my judge; either to undergoe

my self the total crime; or to accuse

my other self; the partner of my life;

whose failing; while her faith to me remaines;

i should conceal; and not expose to blame ' 130 '

by my plaint; but strict necessitie

subdues me; and calamitous constraint

least on my head both sin and punishment;

however insupportable; be all

devolvd; though should i hold my peace; yet thou ' 135 '

wouldst easily detect what i conceale。

this woman whom thou madst to be my help;

and gavst me as thy perfet gift; so good;

so fit; so acceptable; so divine;

that from her hand i could suspect no ill; ' 140 '

and what she did; whatever in it self;

her doing seemd to justifie the deed;

shee gave me of the tree; and i did eate。

to whom the sovran presence thus replid。

was shee thy god; that her thou didst obey ' 145 '

before his voice; or was shee made thy guide;

superior; or but equal; that to her

thou didst resigne thy manhood; and the place

wherein god set thee above her made of thee;

and for thee; whose perfection farr excelld ' 150 '

hers in all real dignitie: adornd

she was indeed; and lovely to attract

thy love; not thy subjection; and her gifts

were such as under 
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