《Paradise Lost Ⅴ》



Paradise Lost Ⅴ- 第4部分

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to be both will and deed created free;

yet that we never shall forget to love ' 550 '

our maker; and obey him whose mand

single; is yet so just; my constant thoughts

assurd me and still assure: though what thou tellst

hath past in heavn; som doubt within me move;

but more desire to hear; if thou consent; ' 555 '

the full relation; which must needs be strange;

worthy of sacred silence to be heard;

and we have yet large day; for scarce the sun

hath finisht half his journey; and scarce begins

his other half in the great zone of heavn。 ' 560 '

thus adam made request; and raphael

after short pause assenting; thus began。

high matter thou injoinst me; o prime of men;

sad task and hard; for how shall i relate

to human sense th invisible exploits ' 565 '

of warring spirits; how without remorse

the ruin of so many glorious once

and perfet while they stood; how last unfould

the secrets of another world; perhaps

not lawful to reveal? yet for thy good ' 570 '

this is dispenct; and what surmounts the reach

of human sense; i shall delineate so;

by likning spiritual to corporal forms;

as may express them best; though what if earth

be but the shaddow of heavn; and things therein ' 575 '

each to other like; more then on earth is thought?


Paradise Lost Ⅴ13

as yet this world was not; and chaos wilde

reignd where these heavns now rowl; where earth now rests

upon her center poisd; when on a day

(for time; though in eternitie; applid ' 580 '

to motion; measures all things durable

by present; past; and future) on such day

as heavns great year brings forth; th empyreal host

of angels by imperial summons calld;

innumerable before th almighties throne ' 585 '

forthwith from all the ends of heavn appeerd

under thir hierarchs in orders bright

ten thousand thousand ensignes high advancd;

standards and gonfalons twixt van and reare

streame in the aire; and for distinction serve ' 590 '

of hierarchies; of orders; and degrees;

or in thir glittering tissues bear imblazd

holy memorials; acts of zeale and love

recorded eminent。 thus when in orbes

of circuit inexpressible they stood; ' 595 '

orb within orb; the father infinite;

by whom in bliss imbosomd sat the son;

amidst as from a flaming mount; whose top

brightness had made invisible; thus spake。

hear all ye angels; progenie of light; ' 600 '

thrones; dominations; princedoms; vertues; powers;

hear my decree; which unrevokt shall stand。

this day i have begot whom i declare

my onely son; and on this holy hill

him have anointed; whom ye now behold ' 605 '

at my right hand; your head i him appoint;

and by my self have sworn to him shall bow

all knees in heavn; and shall confess him lord:

under his great vice…gerent reign abide

united as one individual soule ' 610 '

for ever happie: him who disobeyes

mee disobeyes; breaks union; and that day

cast out from god and blessed vision; falls

into utter darkness; deep ingulft; his place

ordaind without redemption; without end。 ' 615 '


Paradise Lost Ⅴ14

so spake th omnipotent; and with his words

all seemd well pleasd; all seemd; but were not all。

that day; as other solemn dayes; they spent

in song and dance about the sacred hill;

mystical dance; which yonder starrie spheare ' 620 '

of planets and of fixt in all her wheeles

resembles nearest; mazes intricate;

eccentric; intervolvd; yet regular

then most; when most irregular they seem;

and in thir motions harmonie divine ' 625 '

so smooths her charming tones; that gods own ear

listens delighted。 eevning now approachd

(for wee have also our eevning and our morn;

wee ours for change delectable; not need)

forthwith from dance to sweet repast they turn ' 630 '

desirous; all in circles as they stood;

tables are set; and on a sudden pild

with angels food; and rubied nectar flows

in pearl; in diamond; and massie gold;

fruit of delicious vines; the growth of heavn。 ' 635 '

on flours reposd; and with fresh flourets crownd;

they eate; they drink; and in munion sweet

quaff immortalitie and joy; secure

of surfet where full measure onely bounds

excess; before th all bounteous king; who showrd ' 640 '

with copious hand; rejoycing in thir joy。

now when ambrosial night with clouds exhald

from that high mount of god; whence light & shade

spring both; the face of brightest heavn had changd

to grateful twilight (for night es not there ' 645 '

in darker veile) and roseat dews disposd

all but the unsleeping eyes of god to rest;

wide over all the plain; and wider farr

then all this globous earth in plain out spred;

(such are the courts of god) th angelic throng ' 650 '

disperst in bands and files thir camp extend

by living streams among the trees of life;

pavilions numberless; and sudden reard;

celestial tabernacles; where they slept

fannd with coole winds; save those who in thir course ' 655 '

melodious hymns about the sovran throne

alternate all night long: but not so wakd

satan; so call him now; his former name

is heard no more in heavn; he of the first;

if not the first arch…angel; great in power; ' 660 '

in favour and pr?eminence; yet fraught

with envie against the son of god; that day

honourd by his great father; and proclaimd

messiah king anointed; could not beare

through pride that sight; & thought himself impaird。 ' 665 '

deep malice thence conceiving and disdain;

soon as midnight brought on the duskie houre

friendliest to sleep and silence; he resolvd

with all his legions to dislodge; and leave

unworshipt; unobeyd the throne supream ' 670 '

contemptuous; and his next subordinate

awakning; thus to him in secret spake。


Paradise Lost Ⅴ15

sleepst thou; panion dear; what sleep can close

thy eye…lids? and remembrest what decree

of yesterday; so late hath past the lips ' 675 '

of heavns almightie。 thou to me thy thoughts

wast wont; i mine to thee was wont to impart;

both waking we were one; how then can now

thy sleep dissent? new laws thou seest imposd;

new laws from him who reigns; new minds may raise ' 680 '

in us who serve; new counsels; to debate

what doubtful may ensue; more in this place

to utter is not safe。 assemble thou

of all those myriads which we lead the chief;

tell them that by mand; ere yet dim night ' 685 '

her shadowie cloud withdraws; i am to haste;

and all who under me thir banners wave;

homeward with flying march where we possess

the quarters of the north; there to prepare

fit entertainment to receive our king ' 690 '

the great messiah; and his new mands;

who speedily through all the hierarchies

intends to pass triumphant; and give laws。

so spake the false arch…angel; and infusd

bad influence into th unwarie brest ' 695 '

of his associate; hee together calls;

or several one by one; the regent powers;

under him regent; tells; as he was taught;

that the most high manding; now ere night;

now ere dim night had disincumberd heavn; ' 700 '

the great hierarchal standard was to move;

tells the suggested cause; and casts between

ambiguous words and jealousies; to sound

or taint integritie; but all obeyd

the wonted signal; and superior voice ' 705 '

of thir great potentate; for great indeed

his name; and high was his degree in heavn;

his countnance; as the morning starr that guides

the starrie flock; allurd them; and with lyes

drew after him the third part of heavns host: ' 710 '

mean while th eternal eye; whose sight discernes

abstrusest thoughts; from forth his holy mount

and from within the golden lamps that burne

nightly before him; saw without thir light

rebellion rising; saw in whom; how spred ' 715 '

among the sons of morn; what multitudes

were banded to oppose his high decree;

and smiling to his onely son thus said。


Paradise Lost Ⅴ16

son; thou in whom my glory i behold

in full resplendence; heir of all my might; ' 720 '

neerly it now concernes us to be sure

of our omnipotence; and with what arms

we mean to hold what anciently we claim

of deitie or empire; such a foe

is rising; who intends to erect his throne ' 725 '

equal to ours; throughout the spacious north;

nor so content; hath in his thought to try

in battel; what our power is; or our right。

let us advise; and to this hazard draw

with speed what force is left; and all imploy ' 730 '

in our defense; lest unawares we lose

this our high place; our sanctuarie; our hill。

to whom the son with calm aspect and cleer

lightning divine; ineffable; serene;

made answer。 mightie father; thou thy foes ' 735 '

justly hast in derision; and secure

laughst at thir vain designes and tumults vain;

matter to mee of glory; whom thir hate

illustrates; when they see all regal power

givn me to quell thir pride; and in event ' 740 '

know whether i be dextrous to subdue

thy rebels; or be found the worst in heavn。

so spake the son; but satan
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