《Death World(科幻战争)》



Death World(科幻战争)- 第4部分

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surface of a new world and looked for his squad; he felt a thrill of excitement。 He was back in the
jungle—back in his element。 He knew that; whatever perils may lie in store for him on Rogar III;
they couldn’t be as discomforting as that stifling room with its single bed; up there in space。
The trees of Rogar III were generally tall; thin and gnarled; but they grew close together—too close;
in places; for a man to squeeze between them。 Their leaves were jagged; some razor…edged—and
creepers dangled from their topmost branches; bulging with poisonous pustules。 The undergrowth
was thick; green…brown and halfway to knee height; the occasional splash of colour thrown out in
the shape of a flower or a brightly patterned thistle or patch of strangle…weed。 From a distance; it
looked like any jungle Lorenzo had seen。 He wanted to get closer; to inspect the peculiar shapes and
patterns of this jungle; to begin to learn which shapes he could trust and which spelled danger—but;
for now; it was not to be。
The drop ship had gouged a great gash out of the planet。 Undergrowth had been flattened; trees
felled; branches shorn。 Small fires were still burning; and creepers twitched like severed limbs in
their heat。
Vines checked his compass; and received a navigational fix from the troop carrier in orbit。 They
were ten kilometres away from the Imperial encampment; he reported; and the quickest route to it
was to retrace the trail of devastation to its source。 It was also the safest route—for; although
Lorenzo saw several more acid spitters among the ashes; most had been burnt or decapitated。 When
one plant did dare stir; and cracked open its pink head; it immediately became the focus of eight
lasguns; and was promptly blasted out of existence。
The Catachans proceeded cautiously to begin with; and there was little talk。 Each of them knew
this was the most dangerous time: their first footsteps on a new world; not knowing the threats it
posed; knowing that an attack could come at any second from any quarter。 In time; they would
become familiar with Rogar III—those of them who survived these early days。 They would learn to
anticipate and counter anything it could throw at them。 Then this world would be no challenge
anymore and; Emperor willing; they would move on to another。
Lorenzo loved this time。 He loved the feeling of adrenaline pumping around his body; loved the
edge it gave him。
For the moment; though; the planet was nursing its wounds; keeping its distance。 He heard more
birds screeching to each other; but apart from a brief flutter of wings on the edge of his vision he
never saw a single one。 A jungle lizard skittered away as the Catachans approached。 Lorenzo
estimated it to be about twenty centimetres long; but without a closer inspection he couldn’t tell if it
was an adult or a baby。
It was almost as if Rogar III was watching the new arrivals; sizing them up just as they were
sizing up it。
Bulldog Rock was the first to order his squad to double time; and Greiss and the other sergeants
followed。 Not to be outdone; another squad struck up a cadence call。
A scream of engines drew his attention to the sky; and he caught a glint of red as the rays of the
sinking sun struck metal。 Two drop ships; ascending; from a point no more than a couple of
kilometres ahead。 He wondered what had happened to the third; and suppressed a shudder at the
thought that one platoon may not have been as fortunate as his own。
Not long after that; they came to the end of their own ship’s trail—the point at which it had hit
ground。 Lorenzo had looked forward to entering the jungle proper; but instead he found himself at
the edge of an expansive clearing。 It was man…made; about two kilometres in diameter; doubtless the
product of many hours of toil by Imperium troops with flamers—and yet the vegetation at the
clearing’s edge was already showing signs of re…growth。
Without breaking step; the Jungle Fighters made for a huddle of prefabricated buildings in the
clearing’s centre; now little more than shadows in the twilight。 As they reached it; the sergeants
shouted more orders; and the Catachans formed up in their squads again and fell silent。 Lorenzo was
aware that their noisy arrival had turned the heads of several Guardsmen who’d been standing
sentry。 It had also given fair warning of their approach to the commissar who now came to meet
He was a young; fair…haired man with pale skin and ears that protruded very noticeably。 The
Imperial eagle spread its wings proudly on his peaked cap; and his slight form was almost
swallowed by a long; black overcoat。 Fresh out of training; Lorenzo thought。 Even Lieutenant
Vines; not a tall man; seemed to tower over the senior officer through presence alone。 Lorenzo
thought he could see a sneer pulling at Vines’ lips as he folded his arm into a lazy salute and
announced; “C Platoon; Third Company; Catachan XIV reporting for duty; sir。”
“Not before time; lieutenant;” said the commissar tersely。 “I assume it was your drop ship that
screamed over our heads an hour ago; and almost demolished the very camp we’ve been fighting to
defend?” He made it sound like an accusation; as if Vines had been piloting the ship himself。 Before
Vines could speak; however; the commissar raised his voice to address the assembled platoon。 “My
name is Mackenzie。 I am in command here—and as long as you are on Rogar III; my word is the
Emperor’s word; is that clear?”
A few of the Catachans mumbled a derisory; “Yes; sir。” Most of them said nothing。
Mackenzie scowled。 “Let me make this clear from the outset;” he snapped。 “I don’t like
deathworlders。 In my experience; they are sloppy and undisciplined; with an arrogance that far
outstrips their ability。 The Emperor has seen fit to send you here; and I concede you may have
certain expertise that will hasten a conclusion to this war。 But had the decision been mine; let me tell
you; I would rather have fought on  the blessed birth world than ten from Canak
or Luther McIntyre or whatever hellhole it was you lot crawled out from。”
“Catachan; sir!” hollered Vines; and a proud roar swelled from the ranks of his men。 If
Mackenzie had expected to get a rise out of the Jungle Fighters; he was disappointed。 Most of them
ignored him; not quite looking at him; undermining him with a wave of indifference。 Woods said
something under his breath; a few men laughed; and the commissar’s eyes narrowed—but he hadn’t
quite caught the words and couldn’t pinpoint their source。
“As you are here;” he continued; “I intend to make the best of it。 I’m making it my mission to
whip you rabble into shape。 By the time I’m finished with you; you’ll be the smartest Guardsmen in
the Imperium。”
Mackenzie turned on his heel; then; and snarled in Vines’ direction; “Your platoon is late for my
briefing; lieutenant。 Ten laps round the camp perimeter; double time。 Last squad back does another
“With respect; sir…” began Vines; the look of contempt in his eyes suggesting that respect was
the last thing he wanted to show。
“That includes you; lieutenant。” Mackenzie barked—and he marched away stiffly; into the
largest of the buildings。
Vines took a deep breath。 “All right;” he said; “you heard the man。”
The Catachans took their circuits at a leisurely pace; and with a cadence call that contained a few
choice lyrics about senior officers。
By the time they got to the lower ranks’ mess hall; there was only enough slop left for half rations;
and it was cold。
About fifty Catachans and a handful of ogryns from A and D Platoons had taken over a generous
area; perching on tables with their feet up on chairs; swigging from flasks and punching each other
boisterously。 They had broken out the hooch to celebrate their arrival; it had been brewed on the
troop ship; and put aside for a special occasion。 They filled the large space with their raucous
There were other Guardsmen here—they outnumbered the Catachans two to one—but they were
finishing their meals in silence; along one side of the hall; looking very much like they’d been edged
out by the newcomers。 They wore red and gold; and were identified by their flashes as members of
the 32nd Royal Validian Regiment。 To Lorenzo’s eyes; most of them looked tall and gaunt—but
then; he was aware that Catachan had a higher than average gravity; which made its people more
squat and muscular than most。
It didn’t surprise him that the two groups had self…segregated。 The Catachans were Jungle
Fighters—elite deathworld veterans。 The best the Imperium had to offer; they believed。 The rankand…
file Guardsmen regarded them with a mixture of curiosity; admiration and; here more than in
many places; outright resentment。
Lorenzo’s squad picked up their meals and took over a table。 Greiss joined them presently; he’d
had the rookie; Landon; fetch his food for him while he’d pumped the other platoons for what they’d
learned so far。
He threw a folded sheet of paper onto the table。 Lorenzo saw the crudely printed header Eagle &
Bolter; and needed to look no closer。 Another propaganda broadsheet; doubtless full of consoling
“news” about how the war h
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