knotted together and draped around Armstrong’s shoulders; from a distance; it might have looked
like the leaves were growing out of him。 The likeness wasn’t perfect; but even Lorenzo had to
suppress a shudder; staring now at a figure that reminded him of the zombies that had almost killed
them all。 Of course; although he couldn’t see it; didn’t dare tilt his head for fear of dislodging its
dressings; he knew he had undergone a similar transformation。
Greiss cast an appraising eye over his two troopers; and announced that they were ready。 “At
least;” he added; “I’d say we’ve done as much as we can with you。 I suggest you stick to the
shadows at the edge of the clearing; and—I don’t know—try and puff yourselves up a bit; stick your
shoulders out。 You’re supposed to be orks under all that muck。 Pair of scrawny buggers like you
two; you’ll be lucky to pass for gretchin。”
“So long as the greenskins don’t pick ’em as Catachans; eh; sergeant?” said Myers。 He had
surprised everyone by producing two ork guns from his backpack; now he pressed one into
Lorenzo’s hands; and the other into Armstrong’s。 “Here; this should help keep up the illusion。”
“You got any more of them; Bullseye?” asked Greiss。
“Afraid not; sergeant。 Just picked up two at the encampment; for a rainy day。 I loaded ’em both
up; though。”
“Rest of us will have to make do with lasguns; then。 We let Patch and Lorenzo start firing first;
and with a bit of luck the orks won’t think about it in the confusion。”
It sounded like a risky plan。 For a start; the Jungle Fighters were relying upon the likelihood that
the orks had had their own encounters with the plant zombies。 “When they start falling。” Greiss had
said; “we want them to think that that’s who’s behind it: their own living dead。 So; no heroics。
We’re just going to pick off a few sentries; narrow the odds against us and fall back; no more than
Greiss; Myers; Storm and Braxton slipped away to their positions then; and left Lorenzo and
Armstrong standing; looking at each other。 Lorenzo hoped that Armstrong; with all he’d been
through; was up to this—but when Greiss had expressed a similar sentiment; the veteran had
snapped that he had lost an eye and an arm; not the use of his legs or his brain。
They waited two minutes as arranged; then began to shuffle toward the lights and the sounds of
ork voices。 It was easier than Lorenzo had expected to replicate the zombies’ stiff; unnatural gait: it
came naturally to him; so worried was he about shedding his disguise before it was even put to use。
They split up as they neared the clearing; Armstrong going right; Lorenzo left。 He saw no sign of
his other comrades; but he knew they were nearby。 He drew in a deep breath and stepped out into
the open; stopping just short of the footprint of the nearest lantern。 The nearest ork sentry was a little
closer than he’d anticipated; and he squeezed the trigger of his gun and sent a hail of bullets its way。
Somewhere to Lorenzo’s right; the chatter of a second ork gun echoed his own。
The ork was coming at him; snarling; foaming at the mouth。 It must have known it was dead; but
it was using its body as a shield; giving its fellows time to react to the intruders in their midst。 There
was every chance that if it could cling to life long enough to reach Lorenzo; it could do some real
damage。 He took a step back; but he couldn’t display too much speed or agility for fear of exposing
his deception。 All he could do was keep shooting; and pray。
Then the ork fell; and the clearing was full of answering fire; then the whines of las…bolts
shooting in from positions unknown; and there were four more orks coming Lorenzo’s way and it
was time to get the hell out of there。
It took all the self…control he could muster not to duck or run—to turn his back and to shamble
away; hearing ork feet pounding ever closer; making himself a clear target for an agonising second。
A bullet whistled by his ear; another blew a clump of mud from his shoulder and grazed his skin。
Then Lorenzo rounded a bush; passed out of his enemies’ sight; and abandoned all pretence。
He left a trail of debris behind him as he raced through the jungle; he just hoped his pursuers
wouldn’t recognise it for what it was。 He put as many obstacles as he could between him and them。
The orks were snarling and howling; and letting off gunfire in random directions; so he knew they
wouldn’t hear him; as long as they didn’t see him either; they should assume he had sunk
underground like Rogar’s other zombies。 In theory; at least。
The explosions came in quick succession—two of them。 The orks had run into their own traps;
the positions of the tripwires changed by Greiss and Myers。 Some of them would have died。 It was
still too early to tell; though; if the rest of the plan—the important part—had succeeded。
There was mud in Lorenzo’s eyes and mouth; but he had reached his rendezvous point with the
rest of his squad。 He was the first there。 He clawed great handfuls of dirt from his face; breathed
deeply of the warm night air and coughed up a leaf。 He was recognisably Lorenzo now; but a film of
the planet’s substance clung to him like a second skin。 He didn’t think he would ever feel clean
Somebody spoke; and he jumped; he hadn’t heard anybody approaching。 Then he recognised
Greiss’ voice; and saw the familiar figure of his sergeant out of the corner of his eye; though he
couldn’t make out what he was saying; so bunged up were his ears。 He started to clean them with his
fingers; as Greiss padded up to him and laid a hand on Lorenzo’s shoulder。
That was when he saw his mistake。
Lorenzo’s head snapped up; and he looked into the hollow eyes of an effigy。 A better effigy; far
better; than the first two; Rogar had sculpted Greiss’ craggy features perfectly; even found plant
tendrils to match the iron grey of his hair。 And that voice—it had possessed exactly the right gruff
tone; even if; Lorenzo now realised; it hadn’t been saying a thing。 He muttered a curse; aimed at
himself for not having paid attention; as he pushed the effigy away from him and dived at the same
time; but knew it was hopeless。
The effigy exploded; and Lorenzo felt his ears popping; felt its spines stabbing into him before
he hit the ground; his left side feeling as if it was on fire。
He rolled onto his back; raised his left arm; and saw four spines protruding along its length; three
more embedded between his ribs。 He yanked them out quickly; some tearing his skin and sending
more lances of pain through him。 Most of the spines; he was grateful to see; still dripped poison and
therefore hadn’t pumped the whole of their doses into him。 Seven spines; though… He was bleeding
through some of his wounds; and this too was good because it meant he might bleed some of the
poison out。 He twisted his arm around until he could reach two of its punctures with his mouth; and
he sucked at them; his tongue recoiling at a strong; sour taste。
His heart was hammering; his head light。 The first effects of the poison—or of his own fear? He
didn’t want it to end like this。 Not through his own carelessness。 Not without a name by which his
comrades could remember him。
He searched his pockets; found the capsule of herbs that Donovits had given him some months
ago。 A generic antitoxin; he had called it—though he had warned it wouldn’t work in all situations。
Deathworlds; Donovits had said; had a habit of evolving poisons faster than men could combat
them—and; Lorenzo supposed gloomily; he would have said that went double for a world like
Rogar III。
He gulped the herbs down anyway; taking hold of all the lifelines he could。 He clambered
unsteadily to his feet as Armstrong burst through the jungle behind him; followed by Storm; Greiss
and then Braxton。
Lorenzo told them what had happened to him。 He had no choice: he had to warn them in case
Rogar tried the same trick on them。 He downplayed his injuries; though; claiming to have been hit
by only three spines and professing a false confidence that he had sucked most of the poison out of
his bloodstream。 Greiss gave him a sceptical look; but Lorenzo was able to return it with clear;
focused eyes。 Maybe; he thought; he would be alright after all?
Myers returned a few minutes after that—having stayed to view the aftermath of the Jungle
Fighters’ incursion—and Lorenzo could tell from his broad grin that he had the news they wanted to
hear。 “We gunned down three greenskins altogether;” he reported; “and wounded a few more。 They
lost another three; and most of the gretchin; to their own traps。”
“They called for replacements?” asked Greiss。
Myers shook his head。 “Just spread their sentries more thinly。 “It worked; sergeant。 Judging by
the way they’re looking around and pointing guns at the plants; they think the planet did this to
“How many orks left?” asked Armstrong; performing a quick mental calculation。 “Six?”
“Five;” said Myers。 “One went and stood itself right next to my bush。 I caught a jungle lizard
creeping up on me。 I couldn’t resist it。 I gave it a flick with my lasgun; catapulted it onto the
greenskin’s s